How to remove compare 2 arrays so that when there is a in a column, it removes the column in another array

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
cvs_data =csvread('spruce tree timber quality.csv',1,0)
expert_ratings = cvs_data(:,12)' %inputs
inputs = cvs_data(:,1:11)';
correct_labels = zeros(3,length(expert_ratings));
bad = 0;
Skew1 = skewness(expert_ratings)
for k =1 : length(expert_ratings)%length(expert_ratings)
quality = cvs_data(k,12)';
if quality >= 1 && quality <=4
bad = bad+1;
correct_labels(1:3, k) =[1; 0 ; 0];
if quality >= 5 && quality <=6
good = good+1;
correct_labels(1:3, k) =[0; 1 ; 0];
if quality >= 7 && quality <=10
excellent = excellent+1;
correct_labels(1:3, k) =[0; 0 ; 1];
%find bad data
%remove bad data or average it to make it good
%select the same amount of data for all qualities of trees
%remove noise from data
[good_data,rows_rem] = rmoutliers(cvs_data)
transposed_rows = rows_rem'
Hello. I am trying to remove a column from the correct_labels array, when there is a 0 in the corresponding column in the transposed_rows array. How could I go about doing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Respuesta aceptada

dpb el 9 de Oct. de 2022
Editada: dpb el 9 de Oct. de 2022
You have only one row logical but three rows of labels???
But, assuming that's expected and the need is to remove all columns that are false, that means KEEP those for which is true --
From the above, sample of the data, looks like you're ony going to keep a very small fraction...sure you're interpreting this correctly?
If, indeed, it is the obverse, then
correct_labels=correct_labels(:,~transposed_rows); % keep those columns NOT true
or, instead of keeping; remove others...
correct_labels(:,transposed_rows)=[]; % remove those columns ARE true
  2 comentarios
Killian Flynn
Killian Flynn el 9 de Oct. de 2022
Yeah sorry I meant do delete the column in correct_labels when there is a 1 in the transposed_rows array.
dpb el 9 de Oct. de 2022
Then you just negate the logical to keep or remove the logical with original sense...I'll add the code in Answer...

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