I have noisy time series data with sinusodial target signals (500, 1000, 2000 Hz) recorded at 20-40kHz sampling rate using different bio amplifiers in a controlled setup. Calculating the snr, I try to evaluate the recording quality of the different devices.
Some recordings show massive undesired artefacts (environmental crosstalk) with neighbouring frequencies, which often get mistaken as the fundamentals when applying the snr matlab function. The resulting snr does obviously not reflect the snr of the target frequency, although there is a visible if minor peak in the frequency domain.
I would like to specify the snr of my target frequencies or specify some adequate fundamental encompassing the target frequencies, independet from the fundamental component, that is automatically determined by the matlab function snr.
Any ideas?
Can anyone help me to step by step reproduce the result of the snr matlab function?
Or how would you in detail calculate SNR from time series or PSD by hand?
What unit would you prefer for snr and for what reason?
Many thanks.
This is an example output of snr(signal) where signal is a response to a 2kHz sinusodial tone, amplitude is too low to get detected as the fundamental frequency, but I need to know SNR of the 2kHz component in this recording.