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Taking one figure out of a thousand figures

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
SNM Nima
SNM Nima el 11 de Dic. de 2022
Comentada: SNM Nima el 11 de Dic. de 2022
I have a for loop in my code and this loop repeats a thousand times and each time gives a figure with a plot.
Is there a way to take one figure from the thousand drawn figures and put it back on another plot after the loop is finished?

Respuesta aceptada

KALYAN ACHARJYA el 11 de Dic. de 2022
You can do that in multiple ways, easiest way
  1. Save the all data points in cell array { }
  2. Once the plots done and exited from for loop
  3. Plot any random cell elements from saved cell array.
for i=1...

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