How do I add text detailing the bar's value to the top of each bar graph to 3 significant figures
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Archie Baxter
el 11 de Abr. de 2023
Comentada: Mathieu NOE
el 11 de Abr. de 2023
I am trying to create a bar graph to display some energy consumption data, calculated from using the 'trapz' function. I have successfully produced a graph however, I have been unable to add text to the top of each bar. I have looekd at online examples but I think because my energy data is a 4x3 double, I need to produce some sort of loop that moves through each bar individually. Does anyoen know how to do this, I would really appreciate it if someone sent me an example code as I have tried everything and have not managed to do this.
Here is my current code;
%% Plot Light Normal Bar Graph of Energy Consumption based off Power Curve
weights_normal_1 = [1 2 5];
energy_normal_1 = [TwoJPG_energy_normal_1; TwoFG_energy_normal_1; ThreeFG_energy_normal_1; FourFG_energy_normal_1];
b4 = bar(categorical(weights_normal_1), energy_normal_1', 'grouped');
b4(3).FaceColor = [0.5 0 0.5];
b4(4).FaceColor = [0 0.6 0];
grid on;
grid minor;
% Add legend and axis labels
legend({'Two Jaw Parallel Gripper', 'Two Finger Gripper', 'Three Finger Gripper', 'Four Finger Grippper'}, 'Location', 'northwest');
xlabel('Weight (kg)');
ylabel('Energy Consumed (J)');
title('Energy Consumption in the Light Normal Working Range');
Where the energy data is of the form;
energy_normal_1 = [(497.996651896180, 997.446068680039, 2497.85395323365);
(200.324767943332, 400.925364590215, 1003.40714370146);
(100.162383971666, 200.462682295108, 1254.25892962683);
(100.182131540439, 200.364544680224, 501.284667218855)]
I have attcahed the graph I produced.
Just to summarise, I would like each energy value placed as a text on top of each bar in the bar graph, e.g. 497.9 above first bar.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Respuesta aceptada
Mathieu NOE
el 11 de Abr. de 2023
hello again
this would be my suggestion
%% Plot Light Normal Bar Graph of Energy Consumption based off Power Curve
weights_normal_1 = [1 2 5];
% energy_normal_1 = [TwoJPG_energy_normal_1; TwoFG_energy_normal_1; ThreeFG_energy_normal_1; FourFG_energy_normal_1];
energy_normal_1 = [497.996651896180 997.446068680039 2497.85395323365;
200.324767943332 400.925364590215 1003.40714370146;
100.162383971666 200.462682295108 1254.25892962683;
100.182131540439 200.364544680224 501.284667218855];
b4 = bar(categorical(weights_normal_1), energy_normal_1', 'grouped');
b4(3).FaceColor = [0.5 0 0.5];
b4(4).FaceColor = [0 0.6 0];
grid on;
grid minor;
% Add legend and axis labels
legend({'Two Jaw Parallel Gripper', 'Two Finger Gripper', 'Three Finger Gripper', 'Four Finger Grippper'}, 'Location', 'northwest');
xlabel('Weight (kg)');
ylabel('Energy Consumed (J)');
title('Energy Consumption in the Light Normal Working Range');
ylim([0 max(energy_normal_1,[],'all')+300]);
% Display the values as labels at the tips of the bars.
for ck = 1:numel(b4)
xtips1 = b4(ck).XEndPoints;
ytips1 = b4(ck).YEndPoints +100;
labels1 = string(0.1*round(10*b4(ck).YData)); % plot values rounded with one decimal
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Más respuestas (1)
Antoni Garcia-Herreros
el 11 de Abr. de 2023
Hello Archie,
But something like this should do the trick.
Another option would be to loop through the bar and use the command XEndPoints and YEndPoints.
%% Plot Light Normal Bar Graph of Energy Consumption based off Power Curve
weights_normal_1 = [1 2 5];
% energy_normal_1 = [TwoJPG_energy_normal_1; TwoFG_energy_normal_1; ThreeFG_energy_normal_1; FourFG_energy_normal_1];
energy_normal_1 = [497.996651896180, 997.446068680039, 2497.85395323365;
200.324767943332, 400.925364590215, 1003.40714370146;
100.162383971666, 200.462682295108, 1254.25892962683;
100.182131540439, 200.364544680224, 501.284667218855];
b4 = bar(categorical(weights_normal_1), energy_normal_1', 'grouped');
b4(3).FaceColor = [0.5 0 0.5];
b4(4).FaceColor = [0 0.6 0];
grid on;
grid minor;
% Add legend and axis labels
legend({'Two Jaw Parallel Gripper', 'Two Finger Gripper', 'Three Finger Gripper', 'Four Finger Grippper'}, 'Location', 'northwest');
xlabel('Weight (kg)');
ylabel('Energy Consumed (J)');
title('Energy Consumption in the Light Normal Working Range');
xPosAmpl = 0.3682626-0.3298725*exp(-0.407004*(nSubGrups-1)); % position amplitude
xPosInc = 2*xPosAmpl/(nSubGrups-1);
for idxModel=1:nSubGrups
bar_xPos = 1:nGroups;
if nSubGrups~=1
bar_xPos = bar_xPos-xPosAmpl+(idxModel-1)*xPosInc;
ylim([0 2650])
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