Dear Friend, I was wondering if anybody answer my question, I have used "elec_solar" model (Solar Cell block in simscape)to extract I-V curve for my panel,but when I change just Isc and Voc ,It is faced to error. I changed Isc to 8.36A and Voc to 33.2V. I think the problem related to Cell number which i couldn't find this parameter in this block but ,it was exist in previous version of this block.
Would you be able to divulge your answer? I have encountered the same problem as well. I have also tried to put several of the cells in series to no avail, which I'm hoping this will solve.
The key factor is to series cell together ,but you should put a ramp instead of voltage which first apply to variable resistance as you can see in related webinar ...
Hi, I am also encountering the same problem when I try to use an open circuit voltage of 21.1V and its giving me an error. If I try with any open circuit voltage below 10V, it works fine. What could be the problem?
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