I'm trying to create a 3d object based off of information gathered from a previous user input 3d graph. here is what i have so far.
sidelength = input('Enter Sidelength');
height = input('Enter Height');
trisurf( delaunay(V(:,1:2)), V(:,1), V(:,2), V(:,3),'FaceColor','c')
x6 = (sidelength*3.078)/2;
angle1 = atand(height/x6);
The thickness of this object isn't very important, and it doesn't need to have a fixed height either. The object just needs to fit flush at the base of the decagon angle (150degrees) and follow slant of the user input pyramid (angle2). I added an image to help illustrate what i mean. I don't quite know if this is possible to do, any help would be greatly appreciated.