I am trying to write a code for fourier analysis from spatial domain to frequency domain.
I am using "fourier" and "ifourier" function but I am not getting the desired result.
I am sharing the code here. Please help me where I am getting wrong.
The desired result is;
Phase plot: is a spiral distribution
Amplitude Plot: An intensity NULL at the center with ring distribution around it for the amplitude distribution.
H = exp(1i*k*z)*exp(-1i*pi*lambda*z*(fx^2 + fy^2));
IFT_B = ifourier(FT_B*H)
x_axis = linspace(-100e-3,100e-3,Np);
y_axis = linspace(-100e-3,100e-3,Np);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x_axis,y_axis);
I = exp((z_fixed*2665344047195405i)/268435456)*besselj(1, (2665344047195405*(X.^2 + Y.^2)^(1/2))/268435456);
title('Amplitude Distribution of the Bessel beam at z = 5 km');
title('Phase Distribution of the Bessel beam at z = 5 km');