Hi Carlos,
To help achieve your goal, you can use linear interpolation to estimate the missing values. Create a sample matrix with zeros. Then, iterate over each row of the matrix. For rows containing zeros, find the indices of zero elements. Then, find the indices of non-zero elements in the row.Afterwards, use linear interpolation to estimate the missing values at zero indices based on neighboring non-zero values. Finally, display the original matrix and the interpolated matrix.
>> % Create a sample matrix with zeros matrix = [1 2 0 4 5; 0 2 3 0 5; 1 0 3 4 5; 1 2 3 4
% Display the original matrix disp('Original Matrix:'); disp(matrix);
% Perform row interpolation for i = 1:size(matrix, 1) row = matrix(i, :); zero_indices = find(row == 0);
if ~isempty(zero_indices) non_zero_indices = find(row ~= 0); row(zero_indices) = interp1(non_zero_indices, row(non_zero_indices), zero_indices, 'linear'); matrix(i, :) = row; end end
% Display the interpolated matrix disp('Interpolated Matrix:'); disp(matrix);

By runnig this script in MATLAB with your matrix data, you will be able to perform row interpolation on cells with zeros and obtain the interpolated results.