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how to increase the resolution of latitude longitude gird ???

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
i have plot india's map using 'worldmap' ... i am geting latitude longitude grid with 10 lat/long spacing. Please let me know how can i get the 1 degree spacing of latitude and longitude????
thanks in advance....

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Rob Comer
Rob Comer el 24 de Dic. de 2011
To change the default meridian and parallel spacing after creating a map axes with worldmap, set the MLineLocation and PLineLocation properties using setm. The following sets the spacing to 1 degree:
Use doc('axesm') to bring up the axesm reference page and learn more about these and other map axes properties.
  1 comentario
rahul el 26 de Dic. de 2011
Thanks Rob...
i got the 1 lat/long grid. But i also want it to display each lat long as a label there in figure....
can you guide me how to do it???

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Más respuestas (1)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski el 20 de Dic. de 2011
It looks like latitude and longitude can be fed in as vectors to geoshow. There are some good examples in:
doc geoshow



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