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Camera Integration: Cannot trigger OBJ while Logging is set to on.

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
I have been using a FLIR SC6100 camera that is partially GigE-compatible. I have recently written a script below that is used to evaluate the frame rate that MATLAB sees in Matalb 2015(b),. Recently, I started getting the error:
"Cannot trigger OBJ while Logging is set to on."
Yet I do collect frames. Is there a way to shut logging off when? Note: vid.LoggingMode = 'memory' is commented out. This error just started and I am not sure how to resolve it.
%% House keeping clc; close all; clear; imaqreset;
%% Videoinput Options vid = videoinput('gige',1,'Mono16'); src = getselectedsource(vid);
% Set PacketSize src.PacketSize = 9400;
% Set LogginMode % vid.LoggingMode = 'memory';
% Set Timeout set(vid,'Timeout',40);
% Crop image to area of interest width = 64; height = 8; vid.ROIposition = [0 0 width height];
% Set trigger to manual triggerconfig(vid, 'manual');
% Specify tuns and FramesPerTrigger runs = 1; vid.FramesPerTrigger = 20; vid.TriggerRepeat = 2*(vid.FramesPerTrigger+1*runs);
% Start video start(vid); pause(0.5);
% GetData Method: FramesPerTrigger = 1 ts1 = zeros(vid.FramesPerTrigger*runs,6);
% Collecte TS for qq = 1:runs*(vid.FramesPerTrigger+1) trigger(vid); [~,ts1(qq),~] = getdata(vid,1); pause(1/400); if mod(qq,vid.FramesPerTrigger) == 0; pause(tp); else end end

Respuestas (2)

fizzy el 7 de Jul. de 2016
I think this is because the framerate you set is too fast for your computer/device. I was using timers to do something like this and increasing the acquisition time interval got rid of this message. See

Benigno Barbés Fernández
Benigno Barbés Fernández el 24 de En. de 2017
I am having the same problem. Coul you find a solution? Thanks


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