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Using a neural network made with MATLAB toolbox in LabView?

8 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Henrique Hubner
Henrique Hubner el 1 de Jul. de 2016
Comentada: Vinícius Jean Ferreira el 20 de En. de 2017
I would like to know how to train a neural network in Matlab and use this in Labview? I know I have to use the MathScript, but as I do that once the network trained in matlab is a .mat file?
  1 comentario
Vinícius Jean Ferreira
Vinícius Jean Ferreira el 20 de En. de 2017
Hi Friend. Are you Brazillian? I am with the same problem, can you send me your e-mail, Facebook or something?

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Respuestas (1)

Stalin Samuel
Stalin Samuel el 1 de Jul. de 2016
MATLAB® DataPlugin allows you to work with matlab files in Labview .Click here for more details
  1 comentario
Henrique Hubner
Henrique Hubner el 1 de Jul. de 2016
First, thanks for the reply.
I'll read about this MATLAB® DataPlugin to see if I can solve my problem.
Again, thank you!
And if someone have more answers about my question, I will be very grateful.

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