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How to run an Optimization function in Matlab? Minimize function

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Amine Ben Ayara
Amine Ben Ayara el 21 de Sept. de 2016
Comentada: Matt J el 23 de Sept. de 2016
Hello, So I have a simple optimization problem that consist of finding a value for a variable that minimizes the difference between two other variables. For example, First input element; An Arbitrary value of X=10. Q=100; B=X*Q; C=50; The objective is to find the value of X that minimizes the difference between (X*Q) & C; f(X)=(X*Q)-C; Is there a function that will give this output or do I need to run a loop that keeps solving for X until it finds a value that minimizes the function f(X)? Thank you so much Matlab pros!

Respuestas (1)

Matt J
Matt J el 21 de Sept. de 2016
Editada: Matt J el 21 de Sept. de 2016
X=Q\C ?
If B is a non-linear function of X, maybe you are looking for fzero, fsolve, or lsqcurvefit.
  2 comentarios
Amine Ben Ayara
Amine Ben Ayara el 23 de Sept. de 2016
Hello Matt, B is a linear function; B is simply the product of X & Q. I saw several methods in matlab help site to solve an optimization problem but I did not quite understand.
Matt J
Matt J el 23 de Sept. de 2016
As I said, the appropriate solver for linear B is just mldivide, i.e.,

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