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read only time from date

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Fragkiskos Nikolakis
Fragkiskos Nikolakis el 13 de En. de 2017
Respondida: Peter Perkins el 19 de En. de 2017
I have dates in format 'yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS.FF'. I want to calculate something starting only when time is 12-00-00. How can i do that (reading only the time from the date)? Thanks

Respuestas (2)

Adam el 13 de En. de 2017
[Y,M,D,H,MN,S] = datevec(___)
seems like it would do this, more information in
doc datevec

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins el 19 de En. de 2017
If you're using MATLAB R2014b or later, use datetime and timeofday:
>> t = datetime({'2017-01-19 11-35-12.34' '2017-01-19 12-25-23.45'},'Format','yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss.SS')
t =
1×2 datetime array
2017-01-19 11-35-12.34 2017-01-19 12-25-23.45
>> timeofday(t) > hours(12)
ans =
1×2 logical array
0 1


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