Why do i get the message" too many output arg"

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Denny Muttathil
Denny Muttathil el 16 de Feb. de 2017
Editada: zina shalchi el 25 de Sept. de 2020
I am trying to apply a filter on my music-file.By trying it to run, i get the error message
Error using audioread
Too many output arguments.
Error in A (line 1)
[z,fs,nb]= audioread('UnchainMyHeart.wav');
What do i need to do, to get rid of this problem? The size of my file is 478600x2, Bytes 7657600, Class double.
[z,fs,nb]= audioread('UnchainMyHeart.wav');
bfil=fft(z); %fft of input signal
wn=[1 200]/(fs/2); %bandpass
title('input signal');
title('filtered signal');
I also think, i lack some knowledge about filters in general, if you happen to find some more mistakes, please enlighten me in this matter.

Respuestas (1)

Adam el 16 de Feb. de 2017
Editada: Adam el 16 de Feb. de 2017
Surely this is obvious from the error message?
doc audioread
shows (in Matlab R2016b, at least) that audioread only has two output arguments so I have no idea what you expect your 3rd argument to be, especially with the names you give them.
Since you don't use 'nb' anywhere though just get rid of it from the output argument list.
  2 comentarios
Denny Muttathil
Denny Muttathil el 16 de Feb. de 2017
Yeah my bad. I was confused myself. Actually the third arg i got, was in this link: http://matlab.izmiran.ru/help/techdoc/ref/wavread.html
I unintentionally reversed the arguments of each function.
zina shalchi
zina shalchi el 25 de Sept. de 2020
Editada: zina shalchi el 25 de Sept. de 2020
can you tell me how can I use audioread with the following statement:
[Size, Sfreq, NbS, opt] = wavread (File, 'size');
I replaced audioread instead
[Size, Sfreq, NbS, opt] = audioread (File, 'size');
but I got errors too many arguments in output can you please help me to solve it?

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