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how to perform calculation in uitable? in row 3

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
anush el 17 de Mayo de 2017
Editada: anush el 17 de Mayo de 2017
Hello, How to perform the calculation in the generated uitable ? i need row 3(please see the figure) to be (a/row1) 'a' is some random value please find the code. Thank you!!!
f = figure;
data = xlsread('abc','Data','C7:C23');
t = uitable(f);
t.Data = data;
t.Position = [350 200 600 300];
t.ColumnName = {'Generator','Rotor','speed','frequency',[]};
t.RowName = {'Min operation','Generator sync','Rated 3600kW','Overspeed NC2/Converter', 'Cut_out Safety','Mode 1 3500kW','Mode 2 3400kW','Mode 3 3300kW','Mode 4 3280kW','Mode 5 2920kW','Mode 6 2860kW','Mode 7 2800kW','Mode 8 2730kW','Mode 9 2670kW','Mode 10 2610kW','Mode 11 2530kW','Mode 12 2480kW'};
% t.ColumnWidth = {'auto' 'auto' 'auto' 'auto'};
t.ColumnEditable = [true false false false false];
t.RowEditable = false;

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