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How to sum up about 3-4 color frames and only show the brightest frame. Matlab

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
obj = VideoReader('C:\Users\Robotics\Pictures\Saved Pictures\Lightfile\Prelight.MOV');
for img = 1:obj.NumberOfFrames;
filename = strcat('frame',num2str(img),'.jpg');
b = read(obj,img);
I have this code that reads the file and get all frames, but I need it to sum up about 3-5 frames then take the brightest frame and store it. Can someone help please!!
  2 comentarios
OCDER el 27 de Sept. de 2017
Editada: OCDER el 27 de Sept. de 2017
Can you explain what you mean to "sum up 3-5 frames and take the brightest frame"? The sum of 3-5 frames will always be the brightest frame.
Since an image is a matrix, you can simply add images together using matrix math, but use double format (im2double) so that the sum of 3-5 images doesn't exceed the maximum value given a number format (ex: uint8 max value is 255). Rescale all image intensities at the end to prevent flickering effects by inconsistent rescaling.
Marqual Brown
Marqual Brown el 27 de Sept. de 2017
Okay, so if I have a video and its 30 seconds long with a flashing light going on and off . I would like the program to capture the frame when the light flashed then output the light that flashed. Each flash is going to have 10-12 frames with the light on but I want to capture the brightest frame of light.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 27 de Sept. de 2017
Editada: Walter Roberson el 28 de Sept. de 2017
The below code assumes that the frames are RGB.
The below code does not attempt to detect intervals of flash and determine the best out of the interval: it takes the frames frames_per_group at a time and determines the brightest of that group.
obj = VideoReader('C:\Users\Robotics\Pictures\Saved Pictures\Lightfile\Prelight.MOV');
frameidx = 0;
frames_per_group = 5;
frame_history = [];
frameidx_history = [];
while hasFrame(obj)
frameidx = frameidx + 1;
groupidx = groupidx + 1;
b = readFrame(obj);
frame_history = cat(4, frame_history, b);
frameidx_history(end+1) = frameidx;
if size(frame_history, 4) == frames_per_group
maxbrightness = -inf;
maxbrightnessidx = -inf;
for K = 1 : frame_per_group;
grayframe = rgb2gray(frame_history(:,:,:,K));
thisbrightness = sum(grayframe(:));
if thisbrightness > maxbrightness
maxbrightness = thisbrightness;
maxbrightnessidx = K;
bestframe = frame_history(:,:,:,maxbrightnessidx);
bestframeidx = frameidx_history(maxbrightnessidx);
filename = sprintf('frame%04d.jpg', bestframeidx);
imwrite(bestframe, filename);
frame_history = [];
frameidx_history = [];
(Code not tested)
  8 comentarios
Marqual Brown
Marqual Brown el 29 de Sept. de 2017
I have another question, could this also work for an 360 degree camera!!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 29 de Sept. de 2017
I do not know how a 360 degree camera might differ from a regular camera ? Is it just like a fish-eye lens with a single image, or is it multiple images at the same time?

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