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Is there a way to make a str(1) add one in a while loop so it would give str(2) instead?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
So I am working on a project for my matlab class. I am making a morse code encoder and decoder. I was going to make it so that I would have them enter the code it, and it would use a loop to split each character up. Then it would run each one through a while loop till the character found the right translation of dots and dashes. My question is there a way when splitting them the code up that I could make code(1) add one so like code(1+1) each time it is run in the initial loop. I am planning on having an isempty to end the loop once there are no more characters.

Respuesta aceptada

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 24 de Nov. de 2017
counter = 0;
for ...
counter = counter + 1;
... code(counter) ...

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