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Probelem with optimization and finding parameters?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Sasi el 9 de Mayo de 2012
Cerrada: MATLAB Answer Bot el 20 de Ag. de 2021
Hello everyone,
I have a question. I have to functions f and g and I would like to find the parameters of function g based on the parameters of function f. For example if f and g are:
f= a*x+b;
Then I would like to find something like:
a=c; b=d; Does anybody know what should i do? Thank you very much Regards Sasi

Respuestas (1)

Sargondjani el 9 de Mayo de 2012
how to solve this depends a little bit on what your really want and what your functions look like, because in your example the solution is trival ... so can you elaborate on the problem??? (function? only 1 datapoint? estimate only 'a' and 'b' or the best fit with a,..,d??
if the function is linear and you have more datapoints (f and g?) you can run a regression. use left divide: \ or the command 'regress'
if the functions are more complicated than that, you can use 'fsolve'. which requires you to define a function, and an initial guess

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