I solved my problem this way:
% This datenum vector matches A. I'm assuming they're already sorted by date and time
At = datenum(num2str(A_dates), 'yyyymmdd') + datenum(0, 0, 0, A_hours, 0, 0);
incr = datenum(0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0, 0); % 0.25 hour
t = (At(1):incr:At(end)).'; % Full timespan of dataset, in 0.25 hour increments
frac_hours = 24*(t - floor(t)); % Fractional hours into the day
t_business_day = t((frac_hours > 9.4) & (frac_hours < 16.1)); % Time vector only where you want it
P = interp1(At, A_prices, t_business_day);