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Plot multiple lines on the same plot at specific time points

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Jennifer Yang
Jennifer Yang el 25 de Jul. de 2018
I'm solving for a time dependent pde. I was wondering how do I plot multiple lines on the same plot at specific time points (ex. at t=0,0.01,0.1,1)?
function simple_time_dependent_pdepe
clear all; close all; clc;
D_ij = 1*10^-6; %Diffusion coefficient D (3.0*10^-7 cm^2/s -> 30 um^2/s)
L0 = 1; %c0 [nM]
x_f =0.02; %Length of domain [um]
maxt = 1; %Max simulation time [s]
m = 0; %Parameter corresponding to the symmetry of the problem
x = linspace(0,x_f,100); %xmesh
t = linspace(0,maxt,100); %tspan
sol = pdepe(m,@DiffusionPDEfun,@DiffusionICfun,@DiffusionBCfun,x,t,[]);
u = sol;
% Plotting
hold all
for n = linspace(1,length(t),10)
title('Time Dependent')
xlabel('Distance (\mum)')
ylabel('Concentration (nM)')
axis([0 x_f 0 L0])
function [c,f,s] = DiffusionPDEfun(x,t,u,dudx)
D = D_ij;
%Rate constants
k_1 = 0.25;
R_L = -k_1.*u;
c = 1;
f = D_ij.*dudx;
s = R_L;
function u0 = DiffusionICfun(x)
u0 = 0;
function [pl,ql,pr,qr] = DiffusionBCfun(xl,ul,xr,ur,t)
c0 = L0;
pl = ul-c0;
ql = 0;
pr = 0;
qr = 1;

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