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Sum of N matrices

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Pedro Guevara
Pedro Guevara el 28 de Jul. de 2018
Editada: Pedro Guevara el 30 de Jul. de 2018
The reason for this new message was to request a new favor.
Is there a code or function in matlab that allows me to add an undefined number (N) of matrices, which I already have a program? As an example I put the following situation to be understood better:
Aux = Mat (1) + Mat (2) + Mat (3) + .... + Mat (n)
I thank you for your attention and I hope you can help me with my predicament.
  8 comentarios
Pedro Guevara
Pedro Guevara el 28 de Jul. de 2018
OK, I will try to make my code implementing indexing. Could you ask for help if you need it? I appreciate your attention.
Stephen23 el 29 de Jul. de 2018
Editada: Stephen23 el 29 de Jul. de 2018
@Pedro Guevara: the approach using eval is specifically advised against by all experienced MATLAB users and by the MATLAB documentation, which has a whole page explaining why to avoid doing this. It states "A frequent use of the eval function is to create sets of variables such as A1, A2, ..., An, but this approach does not the array processing power of MATLAB and is not recommended. The preferred method is to store related data in a single array."
You have already already wasted more than one day trying to work with this inefficiently designed code, in contrast per isakson gave a much better solution in just a few seconds, which is simpler, neater, more efficient, less buggy, and easier to work with. This is one reason why you should rewrite your code: it will save you time! Do you see the pattern here? If you continue to design your code like this, then you will continue to fight your code for no real benefit. Or you could use arrays and indexing, which is what the MATLAB documentation recommends, and make developing, debugging, and running your code much faster.

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per isakson
per isakson el 29 de Jul. de 2018
Editada: per isakson el 29 de Jul. de 2018
I've modified the example of my comment.
n = 12;
sz = [3,3];
MKG = nan( sz(1),sz(2), n );
for ix = 1 : n
MKG(:,:,ix) = ones(sz); % inv(M_Trans)*M_Kele*M_Trans;
sum( MKG, 3 )
ans =
12 12 12
12 12 12
12 12 12
  1 comentario
Pedro Guevara
Pedro Guevara el 30 de Jul. de 2018
Editada: Pedro Guevara el 30 de Jul. de 2018
I think I love you. XD I am trying to understand your code by making it run step by step and apparently, with some modifications, you can help me with the purpose of my work. Thank you very much.

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