how to make monthly graph from daily file data

5 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Soni huu
Soni huu el 6 de Jul. de 2012
thank to per isakson
from this code (daily/1 file) can u make monthly graph (30file data)?? =====
function RainData = ReadManySoniData( folder_name, file_spec )
sad = dir( fullfile( folder_name, file_spec ) );
RainData = struct([]);
for sa = transpose( sad )
RainData = cat( 2, RainData, ReadOneSoniData( folder_name, ) );
[ dummy, ixs ] = sort( [ RainData(:).DayNumber ] );
RainData = RainData( ixs );
function rain_data = ReadOneSoniData( folder_name, file_name )
fid = fopen( fullfile( folder_name, file_name ), 'r' );
if not( fid >= 3 )
error( 'ReadOneSoniData:NoFileFound' ...
, 'Cannot find file "%s"' ...
, fullfile( folder_name, file_name ) )
cac = textscan( fid, '%s', 'Whitespace','', 'Delimiter','\n' );
fclose( fid );
cac = cac{:};
tmp = cellfun( 'isempty' ...
, regexp( cac, '\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s+C\s*$' ) );
isc = not( tmp );
tmp = cellfun( 'isempty' ...
, regexp( cac, '\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s+\*\*\s+----' ) );
iss = not( tmp );
cac( isc | iss ) = [];
str = transpose( char( cac ) );
nl = sprintf('\n');
str = cat( 1, str, repmat( nl(:), [length(nl),size(str,2)] ) );
cac = cell(1,9);
[cac{:}] = strread( str, '%8c%2c%4f%7f%4c%4u%4u%4u+%2u' ...
, 'delimiter', ' ', 'whitespace', '' );
date_vec = nan(1,3);
date_vec( [2,3,1] ) = sscanf( file_name, '%2u-%2u-%4u%*s' );
catch me
if strcmp( me.identifier, 'MATLAB:index_assign_element_count_mismatch' )
warning( 'ReadOneSoniData:CannotParseFileName' ...
, 'Cannot extract a date from file name: "%s"' ...
, file_name )
rain_data = struct([]);
rethrow( me )
str = transpose( char( cac{1} ) );
vec = nan( size(str,2), 3 );
[ vec(:,1), vec(:,2), vec(:,3) ] ...
= strread( str, '%2u:%2u:%2u', 'delimiter','','whitespace','' );
rain_data.Created = datestr( now, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' );
rain_data.DataFile = fullfile( folder_name, file_name );
rain_data.Datevec = [ repmat( date_vec, [size(vec,1),1] ), vec ];
rain_data.DayNumber = datenum( date_vec );
rain_data.Rain = cac{3};
rain_data.DailyRain = sum( rain_data.Rain );
% and more as you see fit.
  2 comentarios
Soni huu
Soni huu el 6 de Jul. de 2012
Editada: Soni huu el 6 de Jul. de 2012
this is sample yearly data (362 file data) (2.11m)
per isakson
per isakson el 6 de Jul. de 2012
"from this code (daily/1 file) can u make monthly graph (30file data)??"
Put more effort in describing what you need!

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Respuesta aceptada

per isakson
per isakson el 6 de Jul. de 2012
Editada: per isakson el 6 de Jul. de 2012
Here is a function that returns total monthly rain. Try
>> mr = MonthlyRain( RainData );
>> plot( mr(1).Rain, 'd' );
>> bar( mr.Rain );
The values of the monthly rain could they be correct?
function monthly_rain = MonthlyRain( RainData )
day_number = [ RainData(:).DayNumber ];
month_number= month( day_number );
year_number = year( day_number );
year_list = unique( year_number );
monthly_rain = struct( 'Year', num2cell( year_list ), 'Rain', nan(12,1) );
ix_yy = 0;
for yy = year_list
is_yy = ( yy == year_number );
ix_yy = ix_yy + 1;
for mm = 1 : 12
is_mm = ( mm == month_number );
is_ym = ( is_yy & is_mm );
if any( is_ym )
monthly_rain(ix_yy).Rain(mm) = sum([RainData( is_ym ).DailyRain]);
  63 comentarios
per isakson
per isakson el 13 de Jul. de 2012
Do you have problem reading the file, '12-19-2010.dat'?
I have successfully red the 2011 data, which I downloaded some days ago. However, I will not download more data. I've run out of time.
Add these lines
fid = fopen( 'c:\temp\ReadRainDataFailures.log', 'a' );
if fid >= 3
fprintf(fid, '%s | %s | %s\n',datestr(now),folder_name, );
fclose( fid );
% disp( le.stack(1) )
That will give you a list of the files, which cannot be red. You might want to change the name and folder of the file. Do you have a "c:\temp"?
If you run into specific problems try make a question at Answers.
Soni huu
Soni huu el 13 de Jul. de 2012
the code work now......... yes i have c:\temp

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Más respuestas (1)

per isakson
per isakson el 6 de Jul. de 2012
Here is a function that collects total daily rain for one month at a time. Try
>> [ day_number, daily_rain ] = DailyRain( RainData, 2011, 11 );
>> plot( day_number, daily_rain )
>> figure, plot( day_number, daily_rain, '.' )
>> figure, plot( day_number, '.' )
As is and all that! You must check the the values. Missing data might cause surprises.
function [ day_number, daily_rain ] = DailyRain( RainData, year_number, month_number )
day_number = [ RainData(:).DayNumber ];
is_yy = ( year( day_number ) == year_number );
is_mm = ( month( day_number ) == month_number );
is_ym = ( is_yy & is_mm );
if any( is_ym )
daily_rain = [ RainData( is_ym ).DailyRain ];
day_number = [ RainData( is_ym ).DayNumber ];
daily_rain = [ ];
day_number = [ ];
  32 comentarios
Soni huu
Soni huu el 24 de Ag. de 2012
thanks per isakson... u save me... :)
per isakson
per isakson el 24 de Ag. de 2012
Soni, good to hear that you succeeded to read the data

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