Problem with Cholesky's decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix
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Hello everyone. I need to perform the Cholesky decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix (M) as M=R’R. The usual chol function does not work for me, since it only works with positive definite matrices.
(Removed cholesky decomposition code.)
I also found the following code, which performs another decomposition over the matrix, but instead of providing the R matrix as in the previous paragraph, it gives two matrices such that M=LDL’. If someone could tell me how to adapt this function to return the matrix R instead of L and D I would be extremely thankful.
function [L, DMC, P, D] = modchol_ldlt(A,delta)
%modchol_ldlt Modified Cholesky algorithm based on LDL' factorization.
% [L D,P,D0] = modchol_ldlt(A,delta) computes a modified
% Cholesky factorization P*(A + E)*P' = L*D*L', where
% P is a permutation matrix, L is unit lower triangular,
% and D is block diagonal and positive definite with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2
% diagonal blocks. Thus A+E is symmetric positive definite, but E is
% not explicitly computed. Also returned is a block diagonal D0 such
% that P*A*P' = L*D0*L'. If A is sufficiently positive definite then
% E = 0 and D = D0.
% The algorithm sets the smallest eigenvalue of D to the tolerance
% delta, which defaults to sqrt(eps)*norm(A,'fro').
% The LDL' factorization is compute using a symmetric form of rook
% pivoting proposed by Ashcraft, Grimes and Lewis.
% Reference:
% S. H. Cheng and N. J. Higham. A modified Cholesky algorithm based
% on a symmetric indefinite factorization. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.,
% 19(4):1097-1110, 1998. doi:10.1137/S0895479896302898,
% Authors: Bobby Cheng and Nick Higham, 1996; revised 2015.
if ~ishermitian(A), error('Must supply symmetric matrix.'), end
if nargin < 2, delta = sqrt(eps)*norm(A,'fro'); end
n = max(size(A));
[L,D,p] = ldl(A,'vector');
DMC = eye(n);
% Modified Cholesky perturbations.
k = 1;
while k <= n
if k == n || D(k,k+1) == 0 % 1-by-1 block
if D(k,k) <= delta
DMC(k,k) = delta;
DMC(k,k) = D(k,k);
k = k+1;
else % 2-by-2 block
E = D(k:k+1,k:k+1);
[U,T] = eig(E);
for ii = 1:2
if T(ii,ii) <= delta
T(ii,ii) = delta;
temp = U*T*U';
DMC(k:k+1,k:k+1) = (temp + temp')/2; % Ensure symmetric.
k = k + 2;
if nargout >= 3, P = eye(n); P = P(p,:); end
The only idea that I have to do this by myself is to add a small value to the diagonal of the matrix M and then use chol. I don’t like this, since I don’t consider it very scientific and I have no idea on how the results are altered by this, so if someone can offer a different alternative to my problem which involves chol and not adding a differential value to the diagonal, I would be thankful too.
Thanks for reading.
6 comentarios
Respuestas (2)
Bruno Luong
el 27 de Ag. de 2019
Editada: Bruno Luong
el 28 de Ag. de 2019
M=LDL’. If someone could tell me how to adapt this function to return the matrix R instead of L and D I would be extremely thankful.
Wasn't simply
R = L*sqrtm(D)
% M = R*R' = L*D*L'
D is 1x1 and 2x2 block diagonal positive by construction,no?
EDIT: here is the code of this idea
% Generate A symmetric but almost positive
A = randn(10);
A = A*A';
emin = min(eig(A));
A = A-1.01*emin*eye(size(A))
% This will return flag > 0 and R incomplete Chol decomposition
[R,flag] = chol(A)
% Call Cheng and N. J. Higham approximation
[L, D, P] = modchol_ldlt(A); %
% Compute "sqrtD", the cholesky (square root) of D
n = size(A,1);
d0 = D(1:n+1:end); % diagonal
d1 = D(2:n+1:end); % off diagonal
sqrtD = diag(sqrt(d0));
i = find(d1);
j = i+(i-1)*n; % linear index of subindexes (i,i)
j1 = j+1; % (i+1;i)
k = j1+n; % (i+1,i+1)
sqrtD(j1) = D(j1)./sqrtD(j);
sqrtD(k) = sqrt(D(k)-D(j1).^2./D(j)); % you might double protect with sqrt(max(...,0))
R = P'*L*sqrtD; % L*sqrtD is lower triangular
Apos = R*R'
% Check how close Apos to A
2 comentarios
Bruno Luong
el 28 de Ag. de 2019
Editada: Bruno Luong
el 28 de Ag. de 2019
The purpose here is to find the spd of a matrix close to the original matrix.
There is a lot matrix decompositions out there that is not unique, EIG for starter.
I like Cheng & Higham approximation, it seems like a good and quick way of correcting SPD.
Ahmed Mahfouz
el 30 de Oct. de 2023
Hello Jamie,
You probably got your answer already or even moved on from this question, but I will leave this answer here for those who might encounter the same problem in the future.
The simple way to do this factorization is to use the following matlab function:
R = cholcov(M);
You need to make sure that M is indeed PSD, otherwise, the output of the aformentioned code will be an empty matrix.
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