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Where is matlabroot defined?

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
max.s el 25 de Sept. de 2019
Comentada: Walter Roberson el 24 de Jul. de 2020
When I installed MATLAB, my path contained a weird hardlink so that now matlab thinks it is installed in /export/LOCALHOST/opt/MATLAB..., whereas the actual path is /opt/MATLAB...
Where is matlabroot defined and how can i update it?
  4 comentarios
Guillaume el 25 de Sept. de 2019
Wherever it may be defined is undocumented and I've never seen any information about it, so you may find it difficult to get the information. Your best bet is to raise a support request.
Saying that, on windows it appears to be stored in the registry (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Mathworks\MATLAB\yourver\MATLABROOT). However, on linux no idea what the equivalent would be.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 24 de Jul. de 2020
On Mac, MATLAB finds the name of the executable that it is running, and goes up two directory levels and calls that matlabroot .
For example /Volumes/ZZ9PluralZ/Applications/ might be the .app . On Mac, .app are actually directories with a special structure. Inside the directory, Contents/Info.plist would be consulted, looking for the key "Executable file", which says "MATLAB". MacOS would then look in Contents/MacOS for an executable by that name (so Contents/MacOS/MATLAB ) and would start it up . In this example that would be /Volumes/ZZ9PluralZ/Applications/ . Then MATLAB would take that name and go up two directories to /Volumes/ZZ9PluralZ/Applications/ and call that matlabroot .
There is another way to start MATLAB on MacOS, which would involve running /Volumes/ZZ9PluralZ/Applications/ . In that case MATLAB would see that it was invoked from bin and would go up one directory instead of two.

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