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Error with write access

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Sriparna Sen
Sriparna Sen el 16 de Oct. de 2019
Respondida: Tuhin Choudhury el 16 de Oct. de 2019
Below is my code. I am trying to gain write access, and am confused why all of a sudden I am not getting access, as I have saved to 'D:' just fine previously. It is not a space issue for a fact. Any help with how to gain write access would be great! I already went into properties and made sure I had admin rights and all that. I also ran Matlab as an admin as well but same error. Much thanks in advance!!
I'm operating on a Windows 10 pro and am using Matlab R2019a.
>> anovan_analysis
Error using aft_SaveAs (line 132)
Error saving file D:/SAMP/Variability_Project/Code/Creating_MDMsGLMs/3X3X3_3maps.vmp: Error moving file
'D:\SAMP\Variability_Project\Code\Creating_MDMsGLMs\Brodmann-Area-01\anova_effect.vmp.tmp' to
'D:\SAMP\Variability_Project\Code\Creating_MDMsGLMs\Brodmann-Area-01\anova_effect.vmp': Cannot write to
destination: D:\SAMP\Variability_Project\Code\Creating_MDMsGLMs\Brodmann-Area-01\anova_effect.vmp. Use
the 'f' option to override...
Error in xff/subsref (line 159)
[varargout{1}] = feval(tfm{6}, xo, fargs{:});
Error in anovan_analysis (line 152)
%% Grab Data
%Enter the Brodmann areas you are testing here
areas = ["01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12","13","17","18","19"...
name = 'D:\SAMP\Variability_Project\Code\Creating_MDMsGLMs\Brodmann-Area-';
%This forloop loops through all the Brodmann area glms in their respective
for i = 1
new_name = strcat(name, areas(i));
cd (new_name)
%rps = findfiles([], pwd);
% upload MDM
glmfiles = dir('*.glm');
glm = xff(;
% % I want to get this code to loop through all the Brodmann areas without me
% % having to manually input it every time
% test = xff('Brodmann_17.glm');
%These are collecting the blind and sighted maps from the PhD group. There
%are 13 blind subjects and 18 sighted subjects
num_subj_bl = 13;
num_subj_si = 18;
blind = glm.GLMData.BetaMaps(:,:,:,26:38);
sighted = glm.GLMData.BetaMaps(:,:,:,39:56);
[Dim1, Dim2, Dim3, Dim4] = size(glm.GLMData.BetaMaps);
%These are collecting the blind and sighted maps from the rainbow group.
%There are 12 blind subjects and 13 sighted subjects
num_subj_bl1 = 12;
num_subj_si1 = 13;
blind1 = glm.GLMData.BetaMaps(:,:,:,1:12);
sighted1 = glm.GLMData.BetaMaps(:,:,:,13:25);
%% Preparing for forloop
%Concatenating the blind and sighted subjects
blind_all = cat(4,blind,blind1);
sighted_all = cat(4,sighted,sighted1);
fmap_vis = zeros(58, 40, 46);
fmap_cohort = zeros(58, 40 ,46);
fmap_int = zeros(58, 40 ,46);
total_subj_bl = 25;
total_subj_si = 31;
%These are the creating the appropriate strings necessary for anovan analysis
str1 = [string('Blind')];
str2 = [string('Sighted')];
str3 = [string('Rainbow')];
str4 = [string('PhD')];
%string for factor 1, blind v sighted
vision = [repmat(str1,1,25), repmat(str2,1,31)];
g2 = [repmat(str4,1,13), repmat(str3,1,12)];
g3 = [repmat(str4,1,18), repmat(str3,1,13)];
%string for factor 2, rainbow vs PhD cohort
cohort = [g2 g3];
%% This forloop will loop through all the voxels
for a= 25
for b= 25
for c= 25
%These first 3 forloops loop through each unique voxel in the 175 x 121 X
%139 3D matrix that is generated for each subject
%These forloops loop through each individual subject in the blind and
%sighted conditions and put the corresponding voxels across all the
%subjects in a column vector. Therefore, voxel (1,1,1) across all 12 blind
%subjects will be put in the vector blind_vox and voxel (1,1,1) across all
%13 sighted subjects will be put in the vector sighted_vox.
blind_vox = [];
sighted_vox = [];
for x= 1:total_subj_bl
vox = blind_all(a,b,c,x);
blind_vox = [blind_vox; vox];
for y= 1:total_subj_si
vox1= sighted_all(a,b,c,y);
sighted_vox = [sighted_vox; vox1];
%This is creating a response vector for anovan analysis
data_all = vertcat(blind_vox, sighted_vox);
%Running a 2x2 ANOVA on the data using anovan
[p, tbl] = anovan(data_all,{vision cohort},'model','interaction','varnames',{'vision','cohort'},'display','off');
%Saving the f stats for the main effects and interaction
%This is the F stat for blind v sighted
fstat_vis = tbl(2,6);
fstat1 = cell2mat(fstat_vis);
%This is the F stat for cohort type, rainbow vs. PhD
fstat_cohort = tbl(3,6);
fstat2 = cell2mat(fstat_cohort);
%This is the F stat for the interaction
fstat_int = tbl(4,6);
fstat3 = cell2mat(fstat_int);
%Padcat takes the uneven column vectors since they both have a
%different number of subjects and turns them into even column
%vectors by padding the smaller vector with NaN values
%vect_for_BF = padcat(blind_vox, sighted_vox);
%This runs the Brown Forsythe test on the 2 column matrix
%[p,stats] = vartestn(vect_for_BF,'TestType','BrownForsythe','Display','off');
%This runs a simple 1 way ANOVA on the column vector
%[p,tbl] = anova1(vect_for_BF, [], 'off');
%fstat = tbl{2,5};
%This will contain the f values for all the tests run
fmap_vis(a,b,c) = fstat1;
fmap_cohort(a,b,c) = fstat2;
fmap_int(a,b,c) = fstat3;
%Saving the degrees of freedom
% df = tbl(5,3);
% Put in the data and save
f_Map = xff('3X3X3_3maps.vmp');
f_Map.NrOfMaps = 3;
f_Map.Map = f_Map.Map(1:3);
f_Map.Map(1).Name = 'FMap_Vis';
f_Map.Map(1).VMPData = fmap_vis;
f_Map.Map(2).Name = 'FMap_Cohort';
f_Map.Map(2).VMPData = fmap_cohort;
f_Map.Map(3).Name = 'FMap_Int';
f_Map.Map(3).VMPData = fmap_int;
cd (new_name)
% name2 = ('Brodmann_');
% new_name2 = strcat(name2, areas(i),'.vmp');
msg = 'All done!';
title = 'all done!';
answer = inputdlg(msg,title);

Respuesta aceptada

Tuhin Choudhury
Tuhin Choudhury el 16 de Oct. de 2019
I have no experience with the file extension you are using. I have only written files in xcel using matlab, but I faced a similar issue. I would suggest a couple of checkpoints:
  • Build a secondary function to check if an output file from previous operation is available and open. The write operation is unsuccesful if the file is open. If open, this secondary function would close the output file from previous iteration. You can check if this is the issue by simply trying to create the files in a new directory. Although sometimes, it might be an issue if the task related to your output file is running independently as well. (e.g. in my case, even if some independent excel file was open, I would get an error while writing due to some conflict of permission in between MS excel and matlab).
isopen = check_if_open(filename); % example for closing
if (isopen==1)
isopen = check_if_open(filename,'close');
  • Also it is a good idea to delete any output file of identical file name available in the folder to avoid duplicacy or data merge, incase you are trying to overwrite.
if exist(filename, 'file')==1 % example for ending excel task and deleting any existing file of same name in the folder
Hope that helps!

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