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immense difference between continous and discrete state space model

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Kevin el 25 de Sept. de 2012
Hey guys,
I'm trying to set up a dc motor position control by using a full state-feedback controller with integral action. As long as i stick to a time continuous design everything is fine, but as soon as I transform the models into a discrete form the step responses go wild. The attached source code just creates the matrices and gains that are used in a simulink model. The step command gives an impression of what I mean.
Ra = 2.06;
La = 0.000238;
k_phi = 1/((406*2*pi)/60);
J = 1.07e-6;
Bm = 12e-7;
%general model
%states: theta, dtheta, i, derr
A = [0 1 0;
0 -Bm/J k_phi/J;
0 -k_phi/La -Ra/La];
b = [0 ; 0 ; 1/La];
cT = [1 0 0];
d = [0];
%model for integral action
Ai = [0 1 0 0;
0 -Bm/J k_phi/J 0;
0 -k_phi/La -Ra/La 0;
1 0 0 0];
bi = [0 ; 0 ; 1/La ; 0 ];
br = [0 ; 0 ; 0; -1];
cTi = [1 0 0 0];
di = [0];
% feedback controller
p1 = -100;
p2 = -110;
p3 = -200;
p4 = -300;
poles_k = [p1 p2 p3 p4];
poles_k = exp(Ts*poles_k);
K = place(dsysi.a,dsysi.b,poles_k);
% observer
poles_obsv = 1000*poles_k(1:3);
poles_obsv = exp(Ts*poles_obsv);
t = 0:0.001:.1;
sys_cl = ss(Ai-bi*[K Ki],br,cTi,di);
hold on;
sys_cl = ss(dsysi.a-dsysi.b*[K Ki],br,dsysi.c,dsysi.d);
All the matrices of dsys are implemented in the simulink model. If one takes the matrices of asys instead the system behaviour is sufficient... Has anybody a clue of what is going wrong here?
br Kev

Respuestas (4)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek el 25 de Sept. de 2012
Editada: Azzi Abdelmalek el 25 de Sept. de 2012
If you can simulate your two systems using Simulink it will be easier to detect the problem. What you did, is find controller parameter in continuous domain, using discrets poles which are unstable, for continuous modeles
poles_k = [p1 p2 p3 p4];
poles_k = exp(Ts*poles_k);
K = place(dsysi.a,dsysi.b,poles_k);
poles_k =
1.1052 1.1052 1.1052 1.1052 %positives unstables poles
% you simulate your continuous model with above unstables parameters,
sys_cl = ss(Ai-bi*[K Ki],br,cTi,di);
step(10*sys_cl,t) % even it works, it's sensless
I have just noticed that your initial model is unstable, which is wierd for a dc machine. I suggest then to post your simulink model
In your code, the observer is not used
  6 comentarios
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek el 25 de Sept. de 2012
Editada: Azzi Abdelmalek el 27 de Sept. de 2012
  1. global system(Initial system+Integral action ) is not correct
  2. the pôles used to obtain gain K are unstables(>0)
  3. the initial system is unstable, which make it difficult to control
  4. when you use step(sys_cl,t). there is only one input and one output, how can you imagine there is any feedback. To simulate a feedback, you have to define two blocks: one for initial system and another for the controller u(t)=-k1 x1- k2 x2-k3 x3-ki xi. and create links between them and yref by using append and connect commands.
Kevin el 26 de Sept. de 2012
the given poles are all placed in the s-plane:
poles_k = [p1 p2 p3 p4];
now they are transformed into the z-plane for discretisation
poles_k = exp(Ts*poles_k);
K = place(dsysi.a,dsysi.b,poles_k);
considering the z-plane the poles are all within the unit circle, so they should be stable. the step response was just meant to compare the continuous and the discrete approaches for integral action.

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Babak el 25 de Sept. de 2012
Do the responses of the open loop systems look similar?
Just for your information, MATLAB's discrete integral and derivative gains are not equivallent to the corresponding gains of the continuous system. You need to multiply or divide them by Ts. You may want to try this too.

Babak el 25 de Sept. de 2012
Editada: Babak el 25 de Sept. de 2012
I edited your code:
Ra = 2.06;
La = 0.000238;
k_phi = 1/((406*2*pi)/60);
J = 1.07e-6;
Bm = 12e-7;
%model for integral action
Ai = [0 1 0 0;
0 -Bm/J k_phi/J 0;
0 -k_phi/La -Ra/La 0;
1 0 0 0];
bi = [0 ; 0 ; 1/La ; 0 ];
br = [0 ; 0 ; 0; -1];
cTi = [1 0 0 0];
di = [0];
asysi=ss(Ai,bi,cTi,di) ;
dsysi=c2d(asysi,Ts,'zoh') ;
% p1 = pole(asysi)
% exp(Ts.*p1)
% pole(dsysi)
% return
% step(asysi)
% hold on
% step(dsysi)
% return
% feedback controller
p1 = -100;
p2 = -110;
p3 = -200;
p4 = -300;
poles_k_c = [p1 p2 p3 p4]
poles_k_d = exp(Ts.*poles_k_c)
% poles_k = exp(Ts*poles_k)
% return
K_c = place(asysi.a,asysi.b,poles_k_c)
K_d = place(dsysi.a,dsysi.b,poles_k_d)
% Ki=K(4);
% K=K(1:3)
t = 0:0.001:.1;
sys_cl_c = ss(Ai-bi*K_c,br,cTi,di)
hold on;
% return
sys_cl_d1 = c2d(sys_cl_c,Ts)
sys_cl_d2 = ss(dsysi.a-dsysi.b*K_d,dsysi.b,dsysi.c,dsysi.d,Ts)
First, you should use exp(Ts.*poles_k) rather than exp(Ts*poles_k)
Second, you need to use ss(.,Ts) for a discrete system rather than ss(.) which is for continuous systems.
As you may see in the result, the step responses of sys_cl_c and sys_cl_d1 are consistent. Still, the response of sys_cl_d2 doesn't match even though it has the same poles of sys_cl_d1
  4 comentarios
Babak el 26 de Sept. de 2012
Looks fine... Again, remember that exp(Ts.*poles_k) and exp(Ts*poles_k) are different! You need to use exp(Ts.*poles_k) to convert your continuous system poles to the discrete. P.S.: Due to my limited internet access here I cannot view the links you've attached.
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek el 26 de Sept. de 2012
Editada: Azzi Abdelmalek el 26 de Sept. de 2012
Babak what is the difference between 2*[1 2 3] and 2.*[1 2 3]? the result is the same
Ts is the sample time

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Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek el 26 de Sept. de 2012
Editada: Azzi Abdelmalek el 27 de Sept. de 2012
% Kevin, let us compare for stable system. we will obtain the same result
close all
% stable continuous system
N=1;D=poly([-12 -12 -12])
asys=ss(A,b,cT,d) ;
% initial system + integral action (there is an error in your model)
Ai = [[A zeros(3,1)];-cT 0] %-cT instead cT
bi = [b; 0 ];
br = [zeros(3,1);1]; % 1 instead -1
cTi = [cT 0];
di = [0];
asysi=ss( Ai,bi,cTi,di);
% controller parameters
poles_k =[-100 -110 -200 -300];
K = place(asysi.a,asysi.b,poles_k);
% simulation
t = 0:Ts:.1;
sys_cl = ss(Ai-bi*[K Ki],br,cTi,di);
%discrete system . here was the trick
sys_cld=c2d(sys_cl,Ts); % 'zoh' is the default setting
%you cant use
%sys_cld = ss(dsysi.a-dsysi.b*[Kd Kdi],br,dsysi.c,dsysi.d);
%discret system simulation
  1 comentario
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek el 26 de Sept. de 2012
Editada: Azzi Abdelmalek el 27 de Sept. de 2012
to apply to your motor
close all
Ra = 2.06;
La = 0.000238;
k_phi = 1/((406*2*pi)/60);
J = 1.07e-6;
Bm = 12e-7;
%general model %states: theta, dtheta, i, derr
A = [0 1 0;
0 -Bm/J k_phi/J;
0 -k_phi/La -Ra/La];
b = [0 ; 0 ; 1/La];
cT = [1 0 0];
d = [0];
%model for integral action
Ai = [[A zeros(3,1)];-cT 0]
bi = [b; 0 ];
br = [zeros(3,1); 1];
cTi = [cT 0];
di = [0];
% feedback controller
p1 = -100;
p2 = -110;
p3 = -200;
p4 = -300;
poles_k = [p1 p2 p3 p4];
K = place(asysi.a,asysi.b,poles_k);
sys_cl = ss(Ai-bi*[K Ki],br,cTi,di);
t = 0:Ts:0.1;
%discret system hold on
sys_cld = c2d(sys_cl,Ts)

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