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Solving an integration problem at specific time points

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Jennifer Yang
Jennifer Yang el 24 de Nov. de 2019
Respondida: Dinesh Yadav el 27 de Nov. de 2019
I am interested in solving this equation below where I have specific time points that correlate with a gp value. I need to solve the integral at specific time points and multiplying that answer with the rest of the equation that also depends on time. In the end, I want to plot how hp2 looks from 0 to 480 at those time points.
I'm not sure how to have the answer of the integral at a specific time point and then use that same time point for the equation outside of the integral.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
t = [0 30 60 90 120 180 240 300 360 420 480];
gp = [10.75 9.45 7.963 5.15 7.213 6.725 6.525 6.325 5.988 5.475 5.213];
Rm = 4.44.*(10.^-12);
b1 = 0.0151;
b2 = 0.002;
q2 = 1.85;
alpha2 = 0.01594;
C1 = 1162;
hp2 = 5.38*(10^-10); %hp2(0)
syms s
for n = 1:11
eqn = (Rm.*exp(-(b1+b2).*s))./(1+(q2.*exp(alpha2.*(C1-gp(n)))));
Fint = int(eqn,s,[0 t(n)]);
Fvpa = vpa(Fint);
fiteqn = ((exp((-b1+b2).*t(n)).*hp2))+((exp((-b1+b2).*t(n))).*Fvpa);

Respuestas (1)

Dinesh Yadav
Dinesh Yadav el 27 de Nov. de 2019
Hi, The issue here is vpa gives a symbolic output, to use it with a function like plot,there is a need to convert the output of vpa to lets say double that can be used with plot as t is also of type double by default. I am attaching the file with few changes to your code.
Hope it Helps.


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