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gpu computing vs complex operation

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Kevin Lin
Kevin Lin el 2 de Dic. de 2019
Comentada: Edric Ellis el 4 de Dic. de 2019
Hi , I have a question, is there any difference between gpu and cpu while they are handling operation that involve with complex ?

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 2 de Dic. de 2019
Editada: Walter Roberson el 2 de Dic. de 2019
Yes, there is.
  1. NVIDIA GPUs do not adhere strictly to IEEE 754 standards, especially with respect to signalling NaN and gradual underflow and rounding modes and details of permitted error in the last few bits
  2. The order of operations is not guaranteed to be the same between CPU and GPU. GPU kernel generation optimizes operations for efficiency, not for strict adherence to MATLAB or C or C++ order of operation rules
  3. The high performance math libraries used on CPU are not the same as the libraries used on GPU
In short, you should expect that the results calculated on GPU for any floating point operations may differ from the results on CPUs.
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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 3 de Dic. de 2019
Also, the exact result you get out can depend upon the release of nvcc that you have installed.
Edric Ellis
Edric Ellis el 4 de Dic. de 2019
@Walter JFTR, the version of nvcc installed by a user can influence only results computed by CUDAKernel or GPU MEX files compiled with their nvcc. The precise version of the CUDA driver can affect results of previously compiled code (e.g. MATLAB, PCT, and the CUDA libraries it ships).

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