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multi-material marching cubes algorithm

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Asadullah el 15 de Dic. de 2012
Comentada: Lionel Juillen AF el 27 de Mzo. de 2020
I want to know whether MATLAB have an implementation of the multi-material marching cubes algorithm (International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering 2003; 58:189–207) for isosurface extraction of multiregion image volumes? or do there exist open source codes of any other related algorithm? By multiple material marching cubes, I mean creating contiguous 3D surfaces for as many materials(iso-surfaces) requested within a single sweep of an image volume.
Any help will be highly appreciated
  1 comentario
Lionel Juillen AF
Lionel Juillen AF el 27 de Mzo. de 2020
Interesting topic...
Do you have any informations about it since 2012 ?

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