When I add a file to a MATLAB Project, the 'Design' Label is added to it by default. I would rather not have a Label added by default. Most of the time, I manually remove this label.
Is there a way to change this default behavior so I don't have to perform the extra step of removing it?
I was facing the same problem and it seems that I found a solution.
By creating a MATLAB Project the default category "Classification" with default labels "Artifact", "Convenience", "Derived", "Design", "None", "Other" and "Test" are available. The category and the labels can not be removed.
Two .xml-files are created for the category and for each label in the "resources" directory that configure them to be non-removable as the respective fields are set to
ReadOnly="1" (for the category)
ReadOnly="READ_ONLY" (for the labels)
By manually setting these fields to
ReadOnly="0" (for the category)
ReadOnly="WRITABLE" (for the labels)
and saving the files, it is possible to remove all labels after closing and reopening the MATLAB project. The respective .xml-files of removed labels are automatically removed.
New files are now created without label.
Removing the category "Classification" leads to a reset meaning that all .xml-files and all labels are restored. I therefore suggest setting ReadOnly="1" (for the category) after deleting the labels.
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