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How to perform arithmetic calculation for matrix stored in a structure array??

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Hi all, I have previously written a code to do curvefitting and have several variables(eg.estimateONE and estimateTWO) in matrix form. So I used dlmwrite as shown below to save these matices,thinking that I do not have to go through the hassle of running the curvefitting code again and able to perform arithmetic calculation on them in the future.
%%Example of code to save the estimateONE matrix as estimateONE.txt
% dlmwrite('estimateONE.txt', estimateONE, 'delimiter', '\t','precision', 4)
% type estimateONE.txt
%%Code to read the estimateONE file
filename = 'estimateONE.txt';
delimiterIn = '\t';
headerlinesIn = 1;
estimateONE = importdata(filename,delimiterIn,headerlinesIn);
However, when I used this code to access the matrix, I have a structure estimateONE and the data are stored as
So how can I retrieve the and then perform arithmetic calculation such as dividing it with another data matrix such as stored in another structure array called estimateTWO?? Because it is no longer an array which can be read using the fscanf function.
Really really appreciate any form of help extended.
Best regards

Respuesta aceptada

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 10 de Mzo. de 2013 ./
  3 comentarios
Armand Chrystel Moutchiho
Armand Chrystel Moutchiho el 10 de Mzo. de 2013
Hello Shing,
if I have clearly understood your problem, then my answer would be that using an array stored in "estimateONE" or another one stored in "" is the same, as long as the evaluation of both variable in the corresponding cases returns the same values and types! For example the following lines will print the same values on the command line twice!
estimateONE = [ 1 2;3 4];
estimateONE = estimateONE.^2;
clear all = [ 1 2;3 4]; = .^2;
Shing el 16 de Mzo. de 2013
yes I understand now, thank you so much for your help ! :))

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