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A query on gui

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Ampi el 14 de Mzo. de 2013
I am looking for an answer to a question on GUI-Interface in MATLAB. Say let us consider the following code:-
function simpleGUI
hFig = figure('Visible','off', 'Menu','none', 'Name','Calculator', 'Resize','off', 'Position',[100 100 350 200]);
movegui(hFig,'center') %# Move the GUI to the center of the screen
hBtnGrp = uibuttongroup('Position',[0 0 0.3 1], 'Units','Normalized');
uicontrol('Style','Radio', 'Parent',hBtnGrp, 'HandleVisibility','off', 'Position',[15 150 70 30], 'String','Add', 'Tag','+')
uicontrol('Style','Radio', 'Parent',hBtnGrp, 'HandleVisibility','off', 'Position',[15 120 70 30], 'String','Subtract', 'Tag','-')
uicontrol('Style','Radio', 'Parent',hBtnGrp, 'HandleVisibility','off', 'Position',[15 90 70 30], 'String','Multiply', 'Tag','*')
uicontrol('Style','Radio', 'Parent',hBtnGrp, 'HandleVisibility','off', 'Position',[15 60 70 30], 'String','Divide', 'Tag','/')
uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', 'String','Compute', 'Position',[200 50 60 25], 'Callback',{@button_callback})
hEdit1 = uicontrol('Style','edit', 'Position',[150 150 60 20], 'String','10');
hEdit2 = uicontrol('Style','edit', 'Position',[250 150 60 20], 'String','20');
hEdit3 = uicontrol('Style','edit', 'Position',[200 80 60 20], 'String','');
set(hFig, 'Visible','on') %# Make the GUI visible
%# callback function
function button_callback(src,ev)
v1 = str2double(get(hEdit1, 'String'));
v2 = str2double(get(hEdit2, 'String'));
switch get(get(hBtnGrp,'SelectedObject'),'Tag')
case '+', res = v1 + v2;
case '-', res = v1 - v2;
case '*', res = v1 * v2;
case '/', res = v1 / v2;
otherwise, res = '';
set(hEdit3, 'String',res)
My question is :- from the function button_callback is it possible to return any value to simpleGUI? Say I want to return the summation value of 2 nos? Is it possible to return the value and print the sum in the calling function i.e. in simpleGUI?

Respuestas (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 14 de Mzo. de 2013
No, those kind of callback functions can never return a value. See instead


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