I considerd the driver parameters such as Age, Gender, Alcohol intake and number of hours driver slept along with Velocity and distance between Motorbike and Car and I found some equations in some research papers in relation to driver reaction time.
BRT (Brake Reaction TIme) = 0.002*Age+0.035*Gender+0.001*V*3.6+0.017*d-2.4718*10^-7*Alc^3+2.9880*10^-5*Alc^2+0.0013*Alc-0.0016;
The above equation is not standard and is varying from one research paper to other.
The Velocity and distance between two vehicles is accessed with the Carmaker dictionaries in simulink whereas the Age, Gender,Alcohol intake and number of hours slept is inputted by user before running the simulation.
After calculating the driver reaction time by using above equation, I applied brakes to the motorbike once rider detects the obstacle in MotorcycleMaker from simulink co-simulation environment. This did what I want to achieve.