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Working with ZMQ in MATLAB for communicating with eye tracker device

38 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Sara Omranian
Sara Omranian el 21 de En. de 2021
Comentada: Rick Howard el 24 de Ag. de 2021
I have to install and work with these two packages:
My system information:
Windows 10 Pro
ZMQ libzmq-v141-mt-4_3_2
make.m ran successfully, as shown here:
Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)'.
MEX completed successfully.
Succesful build for:
ZMQ_INCLUDE_PATH = C:\...\libzmq
ZMQ_LIB_PATH = C:\...\libzmq
ZMQ_COMPILED_LIB = libzmq-v141-mt-4_3_2.lib
ans =
but the script where I try to communicate with my device still gives an error.
Here's the script:
% pupil_remote_control.m
% (*)~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Pupil Helpers
% Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Pupil Labs
% Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL v3.0).
% License details are in the file license.txt, distributed as part of this software.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~(*)
% Pupil Remote address
endpoint = 'tcp://';
% Setup zmq context and remote helper
ctx = zmq.core.ctx_new();
socket = zmq.core.socket(ctx, 'ZMQ_REQ');
% set timeout to 1000ms in order to not get stuck in a blocking
% mex-call if server is not reachable, see
zmq.core.setsockopt(socket, 'ZMQ_RCVTIMEO', 1000);
fprintf('Connecting to %s\n', endpoint);
zmq.core.connect(socket, endpoint);
tic; % Measure round trip delay
zmq.core.send(socket, uint8('t'));
result = zmq.core.recv(socket);
fprintf('%s\n', char(result));
fprintf('Round trip command delay: %s\n', toc);
% set current Pupil time to 0.0
zmq.core.send(socket, uint8('T 0.0'));
result = zmq.core.recv(socket);
fprintf('%s\n', char(result));
% start recording
zmq.core.send(socket, uint8('R'));
result = zmq.core.recv(socket);
fprintf('Recording should start: %s\n', char(result));
zmq.core.send(socket, uint8('r'));
result = zmq.core.recv(socket);
fprintf('Recording stopped: %s\n', char(result));
% test notification, note that you need to listen on the IPC to receive notifications!
send_notification(socket, containers.Map({'subject'}, {'calibration.should_start'}))
result = zmq.core.recv(socket);
fprintf('Notification received: %s\n', char(result));
send_notification(socket, containers.Map({'subject'}, {'calibration.should_stop'}))
result = zmq.core.recv(socket);
fprintf('Notification received: %s\n', char(result));
zmq.core.disconnect(socket, endpoint);
and the error is:
Error using zmq.core.ctx_new
Invalid MEX-file 'C:\...\matlab-zmq-master\lib\+zmq\+core\ctx_new.mexw64': The specified module could not be found.
Error in practice_run (line 23)
ctx = zmq.core.ctx_new();
while the module exists exactly where it's looking for it.
List of all the relevant softwars I have is attached.
  1 comentario
Rick Howard
Rick Howard el 24 de Ag. de 2021
It has been awhile, but I was curious if you were able to solve this?
Also, are you sure that the libzmq.dll file is also in the same folder as your MEX file?

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