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How to get average power from simulink scope

13 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Yousef el 10 de Feb. de 2021
Comentada: Tomas Salvadores Viertel el 4 de Abr. de 2022
I creat this blocks to find average power of two sin waves with different frequencies
p(t)=v(t)*i(t) (frequency of v(t) is 1 rad/s and i(t) is 3 rad/s)
then i got this plot
from this plot it's clearly the average power is zero but how can i get it from command window

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Pratyush Roy
Pratyush Roy el 15 de Feb. de 2021
Hi Yousef,
Firstly the data can be exported to workspace as an array of shape (N,2). Here N represents the number of time instances. The code snippet below can be used to obtain the array
scopeConfig = get_param('power_model/Scope','ScopeConfiguration');% power_model denotes the Simulink model mentioned before
scopeConfig.DataLogging = true;
scopeConfig.DataLoggingSaveFormat = 'Array';
out = sim('power_model');
arr = out.ScopeData;
The first column in the array represents the time values and the second column represents the array values. To obtain the average power we can simply take the mean of the second array:
avgPower = mean(arr(:,2));
Hope this helps!
  1 comentario
Tomas Salvadores Viertel
Tomas Salvadores Viertel el 4 de Abr. de 2022
Can this be done directly in simulink?
I tried to use moving average blocks, but they work in a discrete manner, using a sample number as parameter. I'd like to use a continuos moving average specifying a time window. Is there a way to do this without exporting the data to the workspace? It's very easy in other simulation enviroments like Plecs.

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