Adding data into existing excel sheet from matlab

5 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Rekha el 3 de Mayo de 2013
Comentada: vickey vardwaj el 19 de Ag. de 2021
I have an excel sheet 'myvalues.xlsx' cosisting of 200 vectors of 127bits each. Now I want to add another vector to my excel sheet which will be placed as the 201th row without changing the existing data. How can I acheive it. Have tried xlswrite but its not working.
  2 comentarios
syahdan edy murad
syahdan edy murad el 6 de Jul. de 2018
i have the same problem here, could you include your code ? like saving the excel file, and adding it after you execute the file again.
vickey vardwaj
vickey vardwaj el 19 de Ag. de 2021
how can we add a row at 100th row and the old 100th row shifts to 101th row?

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Respuesta aceptada

Mark Whirdy
Mark Whirdy el 6 de Mayo de 2013
Editada: Mark Whirdy el 6 de Mayo de 2013
It seems that variable "mydata" is of size [1x3] but the size of the range you elected is [1x1] (i.e. a single excel cell rather than a range of cells) in
xlCurrRange = xlsheet.Range(['A' num2str(newRange)]);
% ['A' num2str(newRange)] = 'A301' since newRange appears to be the scalar 1 which is added to 300
I think that instead of 'A301' you want to have 'A301:C301' which is
xlsheet.Range(['A', num2str(newRange),':C', num2str(newRange)]);
which should capture the full [1x3] size of "mydata"
Is this it or have I misunderstood?
  1 comentario
Rekha el 6 de Mayo de 2013
Works perfectly !
This is exactly what is needed. Guess I wasn't clear in my problem statements earlier..
Thank you Mark...

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Más respuestas (1)

Mark Whirdy
Mark Whirdy el 3 de Mayo de 2013
Editada: Mark Whirdy el 3 de Mayo de 2013
Hi Rekha
Lots of similar questions on the Matlab Answers here if you search.
Here's one of mine on using the activex server to manipulate excel range values from matlab. In general there's no reason to use xlsread or xlswrite
Use commands like:
mydata = rand(100,3);
xlCurrRange = xlActiveSheet.Range('A201:C300');
xlCurrRange.Value2 = mydata;
google "actxserver" - no shortage of other examples on the web
Alternatively, have a look at Alec de Zegher's approach
All the best
  4 comentarios
Rekha el 5 de Mayo de 2013
Hi Mark,
I tried the code given by you. It works perfectly if am writing the mydata generated into the Range ('A201:C300').
Without considering how i'm arriving at the sparseVector or its contents, speaking only with reference to the above code, the problem am encoutering is:
Upon executing your code once my active excel-sheet(which is myvalues.xlsx in this case) will have matrix in the range 'A201:C300'. Before running the code for the second time I change,
I want my excel-sheet to get updated with mydata, generated during the second run written into the 301th row and positioned in the range 'A301:C301'. For the third run mydata must be entered into 302th row ('A302:C302') and so on. I have tried to do so, with small modifications in the code provided by you.
xlApp = actxserver('Excel.Application');
xlApp.visible = 1;
%Open the the spreadsheet
xlworkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open('myvalues.xlsx');
xlsheet = xlworkbook.ActiveSheet;
%Determine last row
xlCurrRange = xlsheet.Range(['A' num2str(newRange)]);
xlCurrRange.Value2 = mydata;
%Save and Close the Excel File
The problem is only the first element in mydata(i.e.mydata(1,1)) is being written into excel-sheet during each run but not the entire value.
Not able to figure out what's missing.
How can this be corrected.
Adithya Pillai
Adithya Pillai el 25 de Jun. de 2020

Hi Rekha Try using a while loop to update the range after writing each row/column into the excel file

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