Finding lowest value and the index from vector excluding zero and inf

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Hi all,
I am trying to find lowest number excluding zero and inf from a vector:
I wanna the output to be:
r= 0.5
index= 6
I tried the following but it does not give me what I want:
x = [1 3 2;-1 inf 0.5];
[r,index] = find (min(x(:)>0));

Respuesta aceptada

Star Strider
Star Strider el 18 de Feb. de 2021
Try this:
x = [1 3 2;-1 inf 0.5];
[r,index] = min(x(x>0))
r =
index =
The find call is not necessary here.
  2 comentarios
Mark Sc
Mark Sc el 18 de Feb. de 2021
Thanks for your answer.
The r is correct however, index should be 6..
As I would like to do x as vector , do not understand why index = 5 not 6 ?
x = [1 3 2;-1 inf 0.5];
y = x(:);
[r,index] = min(y(y>0))
Star Strider
Star Strider el 18 de Feb. de 2021
My pleasure!
I disagree.
See: Indexing with a Single Index for a discussion of MATLAB matrix indexing conventions.

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