POLYSHAPE Create polyshape object
A polyshape is a 2-D polygon that can consist of one or more solid regions,
and can have holes. polyshape objects are created from the x- and
y-coordinates that describe the polygon's boundaries.
Boundaries that make up a polyshape should have no self-intersections or
intersections with other boundaries, and all boundaries should be properly
nested. Otherwise, the polyshape is ill-defined, and can lead to inaccurate
or unexpected results.
PG = POLYSHAPE(X, Y) creates a polyshape object from 2-D vertices given
by two vectors X and Y. X and Y must have the same size.
PG = POLYSHAPE(P) creates a polyshape from 2-D points contained in the
2-column array P.
PG = POLYSHAPE({X1, X2, ..., Xn}, {Y1, Y2, ..., Yn}) creates a polyshape
with n boundaries from two cell arrays. Each cell array contains n vectors,
where each Xi contains the x-coordinates and Yi contains the y-coordinates
of the i-th boundary.
PG = POLYSHAPE(..., 'SolidBoundaryOrientation', DIR) specifies the
direction convention for determining solid versus hole boundaries. DIR
can be one of the following:
'auto' (default) - Automatically determine direction convention
'cw' - Clockwise vertex direction defines solid boundaries
'ccw' - Counterclockwise vertex direction defines solid boundaries
This name-value pair is typically only specified when creating a polyshape
from data that was produced by other software that uses a particular
PG = POLYSHAPE(..., 'Simplify', tf) specifies how ill-defined polyshape
boundaries are handled. tf can be one of the following:
true (default) - Automatically alter boundary vertices to create a
well-defined polygon
false - Do not alter boundary vertices even though the polyshape is
ill-defined. This may lead to inaccurate or unexpected results.
PG = POLYSHAPE(..., 'KeepCollinearPoints', tf) specifies how to treat
consecutive vertices lying along a straight line. tf can be one of the
true - Keep all collinear points as vertices of PG.
false - Remove collinear points so that PG contains the fewest number
of necessary vertices.
The value of the 'KeepCollinearPoints' parameter is carried over when the
used with input PG.
PG = POLYSHAPE() creates a polyshape object with no vertices.
Polyshape properties:
Vertices - 2-D polyshape vertices
NumRegions - Number of regions in the polyshape
NumHoles - Number of holes in the polyshape
Methods for modifying a polyshape:
addboundary - Add boundaries to a polyshape
rmboundary - Remove boundaries in a polyshape
rmholes - Remove all the holes in a polyshape
rmslivers - Clean up degeneracies in a polyshape
simplify - Fix degeneracies and intersections in a polyshape
Methods for querying a polyshape:
ishole - Determine if a boundary is a hole
issimplified - Determine if a polyshape is simplified
numsides - Find the total number of sides in a polyshape
numboundaries - Find the total number of boundaries in a polyshape
Methods for geometric information:
area - Find the area of a polyshape
boundary - Get the x- and y-coordinates of a boundary
boundingbox - Find the bounding box of a polyshape
centroid - Find the centroid of a polyshape
convhull - Find the convex hull of a polyshape
holes - Convert all holes in a polyshape into an array of polyshapes
isinterior - Determine if a point is inside a polyshape
nearestvertex - Find the vertex of a polyshape nearest to a point
overlaps - Determine if two polyshapes overlap
perimeter - Get the perimeter of a polyshape
regions - Put all regions in a polyshape into an array of polyshapes
triangulation - Construct a 2-D triangulation from polyshape
Methods for transformation:
rotate - Rotate a polyshape by angle with respect to a center
scale - Scale a polyshape by a factor
translate - Translate a polyshape by a vector
Methods for Boolean operations:
intersect - Find the intersection of two polyshapes or between polyshape and line
subtract - Find the difference of two polyshapes
union - Find the union of two polyshapes
xor - Find the exclusive or of two polyshapes
Other methods:
polybuffer - Create buffer zone around polyshape
isequal - Determine if two polyshapes are identical
plot - Plot polyshape and return a Polygon object handle
sortboundaries - Sort boundaries in polyshape
sortregions - Sort regions in polyshape
turningdist - Find the turning distance of two polyshapes
Example: Find the area and centroid of a polyshape and plot it
%create a polyshape with 4 vertices
quadShp = polyshape([0 0 1 3], [0 3 3 0]);
%compute area and centroid
a = area(quadShp);
[cx, cy] = centroid(quadShp);
figure; plot(quadShp);
hold on
%plot centroid point as '*'
plot(cx, cy, '*');
See also area, centroid, nsidedpoly
Documentation for polyshape
doc polyshape