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addlistener in legacy based interface

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
jenni el 10 de Jun. de 2013
Cerrada: MATLAB Answer Bot el 20 de Ag. de 2021
Is it not possible to use 'addlistener' in legacy based programming style? lh = addlistener(Hsource,'EventName',callback) What is 'HSource'? I want to excecute a callback function every 1sec when the data available in the input card exceeds say'5000' points.
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Jan el 10 de Jun. de 2013
What is "legacy based programming style"? What exactly does "data available" mean? When you are talking of a serial connection, a simple callback might be easier.
jenni el 11 de Jun. de 2013
I am talking about the session based & legacy based interface in data acquisition.I want a function to be called every second when the input data collected by the data acquisition card exceeds some fixed pointsin legacy interface programming.'addlistener' calls a function when 'data available' event occurs. But i dont know its exact usage like what Hsource' means.

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