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Extend a string within a for loop by values from switch case

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
This switch case works in c. With each pass, the loop finds a letter and assigns it to a binary sequence. The nice thing is, each new binary sequence is simply added (by: +=) to an existing string. Does this also work in matlab?
for (int i = 0; i < sizeInput; i++) {
switch (inputText[i]) {
case ' ':
outputText+= "00000";
case 'A':
outputText+= "00001";
case 'B':
outputText+= "00010";
For example the inputText is: AB BA, the result should look like: 0000100010000000001000001
I hope you can help me with this.

Respuesta aceptada

Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi el 10 de Mayo de 2021
Editada: Dyuman Joshi el 10 de Mayo de 2021
No, MATLAB doesn't support Augmented addition, (using +=)
However, you can obtain the same result with a variable, x=x+1; and use dec2bin(x).
If you add strings together in MATLAB, it will give a double (default MATLAB numeric format) output corresponding to the ASCII codes.
You can join strings using join(), or horzcat() (you can also use [ ] to concatenate strings, ['a' 'b'] = 'ab')

Más respuestas (1)

Stephen23 el 10 de Mayo de 2021
Editada: Stephen23 el 10 de Mayo de 2021
Forget about C.
The MATLAB approach is to work with vectors and matrices (which is where the name MATLAB comes from):
inp = 'AB BA';
vec = ' AB';
rpl = ["00000","00001","00010"];
[X,Y] = ismember(inp,vec);
out = join(rpl(Y(X)),'') % string scalar
out = "0000100010000000001000001"
out = [rpl{Y(X)}] % char vector
out = '0000100010000000001000001'


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