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Upsampling by a non-integer number

8 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Malahat Mehraban
Malahat Mehraban el 25 de Mayo de 2021
Comentada: William Rose el 15 de Jun. de 2021
Hello everyone,
I have an ECG sample with the sampling rate of 100 Hz. Also, its duration is 1 hour. I want to upsample this ECG and change its sampling rate to 128 Hz. Would it be possible to explain how can I do this upsampling?
Thank you in advance for your helps.

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William Rose
William Rose el 25 de Mayo de 2021
  2 comentarios
Malahat Mehraban
Malahat Mehraban el 13 de Jun. de 2021
Thank you for your help
William Rose
William Rose el 15 de Jun. de 2021
@Malahat Mehraban, you're welcome. Good luck with your work.

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