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Sun Synchronous with For Loop

5 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Daynah Rodriguez
Daynah Rodriguez el 30 de Mayo de 2021
Comentada: Alan Stevens el 30 de Mayo de 2021
I am trying to perform plot a of sun synchronous orbit using GMAT (a mission design software which has a script format). I found this code for matlab:
clear all;
mu = 398600.440; % Earth’s gravitational parameter [km^3/s^2]
Re = 6378; % Earth radius [km]
J2 = 0.0010826269; % Second zonal gravity harmonic of the Earth
we = 1.99106e-7; % Mean motion of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun [rad/s]
% Input
Alt = 250:5:1000; % Altitude,Low Earth orbit (LEO)
a = Alt + Re; % Mean semimajor axis [km]
e = 0.0; % Eccentricity
h = a*(1 - e^2); % [km]
n = (mu./a.^3).^0.5; % Mean motion [s-1]
tol = 1e-10; % Error tolerance
% Initial guess for the orbital inclination
i0 = 180/pi*acos(-2/3*(h/Re).^2*we./(n*J2));
err = 1e1;
while(err >= tol )
% J2 perturbed mean motion
np = n.*(1 + 1.5*J2*(Re./h).^2.*(1 - e^2)^0.5.*(1 - 3/2*sind(i0).^2));
i = 180/pi*acos(-2/3*(h/Re).^2*we./(np*J2));
err = abs(i - i0);
i0 = i;
grid on;hold on;
xlabel('Altitude,Low Earth orbit (LEO)');
ylabel('Mean orbital inclination');
title('Sun-Synchronous Circular Orbit,Inclination vs Altitude(LEO,J2 perturbed)');
hold off;
However, GMAT does not interpret Alt = 250:5:1000. And so I've been trying to modify it such as using the for loop on matlab first
for Alt = 250:5:1000
a = Alt + Re; % Mean semimajor axis [km]
e = 0.0; % Eccentricity
h = a*(1 - e^2); % [km]
n = (mu./a.^3).^0.5; % Mean motion [s-1]
But it's not working...
This is the graph Im trying to achieve with matlab if the modification is done right and before applying it on GMAT
Thank you

Respuesta aceptada

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens el 30 de Mayo de 2021
When I run the program you've listed above it produces the graph you show!
  2 comentarios
Daynah Rodriguez
Daynah Rodriguez el 30 de Mayo de 2021
yes, the code runs fine. But I want to modify it using a for loop with matlab first. GMAT does not interpret Alt = 250:5:1000
Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens el 30 de Mayo de 2021
Ok. Like this then:
mu = 398600.440; % Earth’s gravitational parameter [km^3/s^2]
Re = 6378; % Earth radius [km]
J2 = 0.0010826269; % Second zonal gravity harmonic of the Earth
we = 1.99106e-7; % Mean motion of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun [rad/s]
% Input
Alt = 250:5:1000; % Altitude,Low Earth orbit (LEO)
i = zeros(1,numel(Alt)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
for k = 1:numel(Alt) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
a = Alt(k) + Re; % Mean semimajor axis [km] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
e = 0.0; % Eccentricity
h = a*(1 - e^2); % [km]
n = (mu./a.^3).^0.5; % Mean motion [s-1]
tol = 1e-10; % Error tolerance
% Initial guess for the orbital inclination
i0 = 180/pi*acos(-2/3*(h/Re).^2*we./(n*J2));
err = 1e1;
while(err >= tol )
% J2 perturbed mean motion
np = n.*(1 + 1.5*J2*(Re./h).^2.*(1 - e^2)^0.5.*(1 - 3/2*sind(i0).^2));
i(k) = 180/pi*acos(-2/3*(h/Re).^2*we./(np*J2)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
err = abs(i(k) - i0); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
i0 = i(k); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
grid on;hold on;
xlabel('Altitude,Low Earth orbit (LEO)');
ylabel('Mean orbital inclination');
title('Sun-Synchronous Circular Orbit,Inclination vs Altitude(LEO,J2 perturbed)');
hold off;

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