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I need a help to fix "Argument to dynamic structure reference must evaluate to a valid field name." error

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
% Remarks: Some TSP problems should use the geographic distance rather than the euclidean one!
function pso
%% Clear all
close all;
% Import TSP data
%% Problem Definition
data = ulysses16;
coords = data.coords
mode = data.mode
nr_coords = length(coords)
cf = @TSPCost;
%% Parameter Adjustment (adjust them for better performance!)
max_iterations = 50; % Maximum iterations in PSO algorithm (use 1000 later)
swarm_size = 16; % Swarm size (number of particles)
w_high = 1.0;
w_low = 0.2;
w = w_low; % Inertia coefficient, TODO: find the best value here!
w_damp = 1.0; % damping of inertia coefficient, lower = faster damping, TODO: find the best value here!
c1 = 2; % Cognitive acceleration coefficient (here: 0 >= c1 <= 2)
c2 = 2; % Social acceleration coefficient (here: 0 >= c2 <= 2)
%% Init
template_particle.position = zeros(nr_coords)
template_particle.velocity = zeros(nr_coords)
template_particle.cost = 0 = zeros(nr_coords) % Local best = inf % Local best
% Copy and put the particles into a matrix
particles = repmat(template_particle, swarm_size, 1);
% Initialize global best (current worst value, inf for minimization, -inf for maximization)
global_best.cost = inf;
for i=1:swarm_size
% Initialize all particles with random position inside the search space
particles(i).position = initposition(nr_coords);
% Initiliaze velocity to the 0 vector
particles(i).velocity = initvelocity(nr_coords);
% Evaluate the current cost
particles(i).cost = cf(coords, calcroute(particles(i).position), mode);
% Update the local best to the current location
particles(i).best.position = particles(i).position;
particles(i).best.cost = particles(i).cost;
% Update global best
if (particles(i).best.cost < global_best.cost)
global_best.position = particles(i).best.position;
global_best.cost = particles(i).best.cost;
% Best cost at each iteration
best_costs = zeros(max_iterations, 1);
for iteration=1:max_iterations
global_best_new.position = global_best.position;
global_best_new.cost = global_best.cost;
% Update global best
if (global_best_new.cost < global_best.cost)
global_best.position = global_best_new.position;
global_best.cost = global_best_new.cost;
for i=1:swarm_size
% Initialize two random vectors
r1 = rand();
r2 = rand();
% Update velocity
particles(i).velocity = (w * particles(i).velocity) + (c1 * r1 .* (particles(i).best.position - particles(i).position)) + (c2 * r2 .* (global_best.position - particles(i).position));
% Update position
particles(i).position = particles(i).position + particles(i).velocity;
% Normalize position
particles(i).position = normprobabilities(particles(i).position);
% Update cost
particles(i).cost = cf(coords, calcroute(particles(i).position), mode);
% Update local best (and maybe global best) if current cost is better
if (particles(i).cost < particles(i).best.cost)
particles(i).best.position = particles(i).position;
particles(i).best.cost = particles(i).cost;
% Update new global best
if (particles(i).best.cost < global_best.cost)
global_best_new.position = particles(i).best.position;
global_best_new.cost = particles(i).best.cost;
% Get best value
best_costs(iteration) = global_best.cost;
% Display information for this iteration
disp(["Iteration " num2str(iteration) ": best cost = " num2str(best_costs(iteration))])
% Damp w
w = w * w_damp;
%w = w - ((w_high - w_low) / max_iterations);
%% Print results
bestroute = calcroute(ultimate_best.position);
["Best cost: " num2str(ultimate_best.cost)]
["Route: " num2str(bestroute)]
["Error: " num2str((((ultimate_best.cost / data.optimum) - 1) * 100)) "%"]
plotroute(coords, bestroute);
%% Plot results
plot(best_costs, "LineWidth", 2);
ylabel("best cost")
function ret = initposition(nr_coords)
pos = zeros(nr_coords);
for i=1:nr_coords
row_rand = rand(1, nr_coords - 1); % diagonal should be very small (-inf), so a city can't lead to itself in the next step, therefore (nr_coords - 1) random values
row_rand = row_rand / sum(row_rand); % normalize so that sum = 1
pos(i, 1:(i - 1)) = row_rand(1:(i - 1));
pos(i, i) = 0; % TODO: 0 instead of -inf?
pos(i, (i + 1):nr_coords) = row_rand(i:(nr_coords - 1));
ret = pos;
function ret = initvelocity(nr_coords)
pos = zeros(nr_coords); % is this alone maybe also enough?
for i=1:nr_coords
for j=1:(nr_coords / 2)
r1 = rand();
r2 = r1 * -1.0;
pos(i, j) = r1;
pos(i, nr_coords - (j - 1)) = r2;
% Make center value 0 if nr_coords is odd
if (mod(nr_coords, 2) == 0)
pos(i, (nr_coords / 2) + 1) = 0;
% Shuffle
pos(i, :) = pos(i, :).(randperm(nr_coords));
ret = pos;
function ret = calcroute(probabilities)
% I think that one should take the max of all columns *which are not already taken* in order to create a valid route every time
nr_rows = size(probabilities, 1); % This should correspond to the number of coords
route = zeros(1, nr_rows + 1);
route(1) = 1; % The first city is always the first city :D
for i=1:(nr_rows - 1) % TODO: Is it also important to regard the last row? Because the final route (end -> begin) should be clear...
current_row = probabilities(i, :);
current_row(route(route ~= 0)) = -1; % set used indices to -1
[~, max_index] = max(current_row); % max_index corresponds to the index of the city to "move next"
route(i + 1) = max_index;
% Add begin to route again (end -> begin as last step)
route(length(route)) = 1;
ret = route;
function ret = normprobabilities(probabilities)
% convert negative numbers to 0
probabilities(probabilities < 0) = 0;
% normalize resulting rows so that the sum of each row = 1
for i=1:length(probabilities)
s = sum(probabilities(i, :));
if (s ~= 0)
probabilities(i, :) = probabilities(i, :) / sum(probabilities(i, :));
ret = probabilities;
function ret = geodist(p1, p2)
% function from
deg_p1 = floor(p1);
minute_p1 = p1 - deg_p1;
rad_p1 = pi * (deg_p1 + 5.0 * minute_p1 / 3.0) / 180.0;
deg_p2 = floor(p2);
minute_p2 = p2 - deg_p2;
rad_p2 = pi * (deg_p2 + 5.0 * minute_p2 / 3.0) / 180.0;
earth_radius = 6378.388; % Hayford ellipsoid
q1 = cos(rad_p1(2) - rad_p2(2));
q2 = cos(rad_p1(1) - rad_p2(1));
q3 = cos(rad_p1(1) + rad_p2(1));
distance = floor((earth_radius * acos(0.5 * ((1.0 + q1) * q2 - (1.0 - q1) * q3)) + 1.0));
ret = distance;
function ret = TSPCost(coords, route, mode)
total_cost = 0;
% Add distances of route (begin -> end is already included, so first entry and last entry should both be 1)
for i=1:(length(route) - 1)
current = [coords(route(i), :)(2) coords(route(i), :)(3)];
next = [coords(route(i + 1), :)(2) coords(route(i + 1), :)(3)];
if (strcmp(mode, "eucl")) % euclidean distance
distance_current = norm(next - current);
elseif (strcmp(mode, "geo")) % geographical distance using latitude/longitude and Hayford ellipsoid
distance_current = geodist(next, current);
["Invalid distance calculation mode " mode]
ret = -1;
total_cost = total_cost + distance_current;
ret = total_cost;
function plotroute(coords, route)
edgesX = zeros(1, length(route));
edgesY = zeros(1, length(route));
for i=1:length(route)
edgesX(i) = coords(route(i), 2);
edgesY(i) = coords(route(i), 3);
plot(edgesX, edgesY);

Respuesta aceptada

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 8 de Jun. de 2021
pos(i, :) = pos(i, :).(randperm(nr_coords));
has to be
pos(i, :) = pos(i, randperm(nr_coords));

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