Problem 42913. Pseudo Square Root (Inspired by Project Euler 266)

Shamelessly copied from the Project Euler page for Problem 266: -------------

The divisors of 12 are: 1,2,3,4,6 and 12.

The largest divisor of 12 that does not exceed the square root of 12 is 3.

We shall call the largest divisor of an integer n that does not exceed the square root of n the pseudo square root (PSR) of n.

It can be seen that PSR(3102)=47.


Write a MATLAB script that will determine what the pseudo square root of a number is. Please note that if the number is a perfect square, the pseudo square root will equal the actual square root.

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50.4% Correct | 49.6% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jul 27, 2024

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