Problem 45209. An Ohm's Law Calculator

  • Created by Ali


Many important observations in math and science can be described by short, but powerful, equations:

 * The Pythagorean Theorem (c^2 = a^2 + b^2)
 * Newton's Second Law of Motion (F = ma)
 * Einstein's Mass-Energy Equivalence (E = mc^2)

For electrical circuits, one of the most useful and important equations is:

 * Ohm's Law (V = IR)

Ohm's Law describes the relationship between voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R) in electrical circuits.

For more information, check out:


Given the current (I) through a resistor with resistance (R), create a function that will return the voltage (V) across the resistor.

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94.07% Correct | 5.93% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jul 19, 2024

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