
Chen Lin

Enter Cody Contest 2020. Win prizes!

Chen Lin el 28 de Sept. de 2020 (Editada a las el 19 de Nov. de 2020)
Actividad más reciente Respuesta de Victoria a las el 24 de Nov. de 2020

Solve coding problems. Improve MATLAB skills. Have fun. See details and register .

Victoria el 24 de Nov. de 2020

Hello! May I ask, did MathWorks receive my answer about the selection of the T-shirt prize? Has it been sent to me?

John Kelly
John Kelly el 24 de Nov. de 2020

Hi Victoria, Yes we received your answer about the T-shirt prize. We have submitted the order. Congrats again

Victoria el 24 de Nov. de 2020

Thank you again! I'm happy to win this prize! It is great!

Shuto Yukawa
Shuto Yukawa el 4 de Nov. de 2020

hello. Can I use this code for my study? I'm worried about copyright. thank you.

John Kelly
John Kelly el 4 de Nov. de 2020 (Editada a las el 4 de Nov. de 2020)

I am not sure what you are looking to do so I would suggest you review the Terms of Use for Cody


Rafael S.T. Vieira
Rafael S.T. Vieira el 7 de Oct. de 2020

I am not able to submit solutions, the server keeps returning "While evaluating the solution, the server encountered an error caused by temporary unavailability of MATLAB Service. Wait a few minutes for the MATLAB Service to return, and then rescore." Even if I submit an empty solution, I get the same answer. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/groups/52/problems/1260-risk-board-game-battle-simulation/solutions/3098666

Vivek Singh
Vivek Singh el 7 de Oct. de 2020

Hi Rafael

The issue is fixed now. Thank you for pointing it out.

Please let us know in case you see aby further errors


Rafael S.T. Vieira
Rafael S.T. Vieira el 7 de Oct. de 2020

Thank you very much.

Michelle Zheng
Michelle Zheng el 5 de Oct. de 2020

Hi, does anyone know how to rate each problem? I can only choose to like or dislike each problem.

goc3 el 5 de Oct. de 2020

@Michelle Zheng: as far as I understand, the Rate text in the top bar (along with Like and Add To Group) is only hyperlinked once you have solved a problem. Before you solve any given problem, that text will not be hyperlinked.

ivan fernandez
ivan fernandez el 3 de Oct. de 2020

Hello everyone! i don't know if i the only one with problems in cody this week. Everytime i try to put a solution the server has a problem.

James el 28 de Sept. de 2020

Anything to prevent people from submitting/solving/liking a hundred "What's 1+1" style problems to artificially increase their score?

Rafael S.T. Vieira
Rafael S.T. Vieira el 7 de Oct. de 2020

The Cody team should also punish people that continuously report others to damage their score. And if a report is fake, the accuser should get the punishment instead (and that's fair).

Fernando Liozzi
Fernando Liozzi el 3 de Oct. de 2020

This subject must be treated by responsible personnel, with ethics, morals and philosophy. All problems are problems. Perhaps a problem is easy for one and difficult for another. Spam is something else, maybe it should be punished. But who publishes a problem, as stupid as it may seem, is a problem, humanity will find many ways to solve it. Once the stupid problems are over, they will start to see more complicated problems. Everything is part of the heritage of humanity.

Fernando Liozzi
Fernando Liozzi el 3 de Oct. de 2020

WOW, the punishment is serious, getting banned, but playing by the rules of the game is not bad. If there is a legal hole, I do not see that it is wrong to exploit it. Lawyers have done it a long time, and it's legal. Plug the holes and penalize those who make or hack the system, not the good players. It is precisely the good players, those who find the holes, they should be rewarded, not punished. How ironic, MATLAB is logic, and here we want to punish logic.

Chen Lin
Chen Lin el 28 de Sept. de 2020 (Editada a las el 28 de Sept. de 2020)

Hi James. Thanks for your question. There is not a mechanism automatically detect a simple problem creation. As Grant commented, we rely on community members like you to report it to us. Users who spam or cheat will be warned or banned.

goc3 el 28 de Sept. de 2020

The FAQ page includes a link for users to report cheating or spamming.

I'm sure that obvious efforts to cheat will result in their being disqualified. I recall that that happened last time.

Rafael S.T. Vieira
Rafael S.T. Vieira el 7 de Oct. de 2020

The Cody team should also punish people that continuously report others to damage their score. And if a report is fake, the accuser should get the punishment instead (and that's fair).

Pink_panther el 30 de Sept. de 2020

Good to know.

goc3 el 28 de Sept. de 2020
