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MATLAB users come to Cody to learn MATLAB and the best way to learn is to learn from other community users. However, when you tried to see all solutions, you saw a message that you had to solve a new problem to unlock all the solutions or submit a solution of a smaller size. This is very confusing and we have been hearing this pain point from users.
Today, the Cody team is pleased to announce that players are able to see all solutions to a problem once they solve it correctly.
After solving a problem, you will see a button that says ‘View Community’s Solutions’, which will bring you to the list of all solutions.
Note that this is our first step in facilitating the learning aspect of Cody. We are actively working on improving the solutions list, so your input is valuable to us. Please let us know your comments or suggestions.
Every year, we show our appreciation to the top contributors by awarding two types of annual badges: Most Accepted badge and Top Downloads badge.
Most Accepted badge goes to the top 10 contributors whose answers received the most acceptances. Top downloads badge goes to the top 10 contributors with the most downloaded submissions.
In 2022, the recipients for Most Accepted are: @Walter Roberson, @Voss, @Star Strider, @Torsten, @Image Analyst, @Matt J, @KSSV, @Jan, @Stephen23, and @DGM.
Congratulations and thank you again for your outstanding contribution in 2022!
4 weeks of contests is fun but intense. Next, we recommend 3 things to do as warm-down exercises.
To make future contests better and more appealing to you, we created a 1-minute survey to understand your experience. Your feedback is critical to us!
2. Read 2022 Mini Hack Content Analysis blog post by Dave Bulkin
Dave Bulkin is a developer on the MATLAB Graphics and Charting Team. In the Blog post, @Dave B not only examines the code behind the leading entries, but also introduces you to some new visualization techniques.
Matt Tearle is from MathWorks Training Services Team. @Matt Tearle created this problem group to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Cody and the 2022 T20 World Cup (which happened to occur at the same time). Note that the problems can be done without the knowledge of cricket.
Thank you in advance and hope to see you in 2023!
The 2022 community contests have concluded! During the 4 weeks, we hope you had a lot of fun and learned some MATLAB skills. Together, we've achieved amazing milestones:
  • 500+ entries and 5,000+ votes created in the Mini Hack 2022 contest.
  • 100,000+ solutions submitted in Cody 10th Anniversary contest
  • 2,000+ participants in both contests
Now, it's time to announce weekly winners and grand prize winners!
Mini Hack - Pick of the MATLAB Graphics Team
We invited the MATLAB Graphics team, the authors of the MATLAB functions used in every entry, to be our Mini Hack judges. Here are their picks in 3 categories:
  • Our Top 3:
Rising Hand by Augusto Mazzei
Object used: fill; Judge comments: Clever code, nice metaphor, kind comments
Object used: patch (via VOXview); Judge comments: Very pretty, looks like it could be in a video game
Monocular rivalry by Jenny Bosten
Object used: Image; Judge comments: We spent a too much time trying to figure out what this illusion was doing to our brains
  • Clever use of Charts:
Object used: Bar3; Judge comments: Cute! Nice fireworks!
Ship by Shanshan Wang
Object used: histogram2; Judge comments: We didn't realize there was a ship in the flow data set
A fish for fun by Shanshan Wang
Object used: plot; Judge comments: Nifty and very different from other entries.
Colorful Fibonacci Spiral #3 by Basil Imoberdorf
Object used: scatter; Judge comments: Overlapping markers make for a very cool tunnel-like effect
  • Things we still loved:
Sandstone by Tim
Object used: image; Judge comments: Domain Warping FTW
Jellyfish by Tim
Object used: surface; Judge comments: Clever use of transparency
Congratulations and you should be very proud of yourself! It's a huge achievement that your entry is recognized by the MATLAB Graphics team!
Mini Hack - special category for Week 4
Our Week 4 special category is ‘Holiday’. The winner is Christmas snowman by Simon Thor
Mini Hack - grand prize winners
After an intensive (and very time-consuming) review of votes on winning entries, we have finalized the list of grand prize winners. Huge congratulations! We appreciate the time and effort you spent and the awesome entries you created. Each of you won an Amazon gift card.
Anton Kogios, Brandon Caasenbrood, KARUPPASAMYPANDIYAN M, Teodo, Jenny Bosten, MvLevi, Abdullah Caliskan, Stewart Thomas, Jonas Schlatter, and Tim Davis
Cody 10th Anniversary - surprise prize for 28-day streak winners
We are thrilled to see that 37 players have built a streak of 28 days! Coming back every day to solve problems is an incredible achievement. We decided to show our appreciation by awarding a surprise prize to those 37 players. Congratulations! Each of you will get a MathWorks T-shirt.
Christian Schröder, Stefan Abendroth, Mohammed, Victoria, Vasileios Pasialis, Gerardo Domínguez Ramírez, HH, Anton Kogios, Lizhi Zhu, Marco Fuscà, Armando Longobardi, Monica, Rithik KRT, Ayman, Teodo, Lincoln Poon, Elijah Keifert, siranjeevi gurumani, kazuyoshi kouno, Ryan Koh, Manuela Kaiser, Mehmet OZC, Dyuman Joshi, KOTHAPALLI SRI BRINDA, Gergely Patay, abyss, Takumi, Keita Abe, Petr Cerny, Shubham Shubham, Meredith, Andrew K, Atsushi Ueno, Peter Orthmann, Armando Longobardi, Chuang Tao, and David Romero
Cody 10th Anniversary winners – Week 4
The top 3 players for solving the most problems in week 4 are Christian Schröder, Gerardo Dominguez Ramirez, and Stefan Abendroth, Congratulations! Each of you won an Amazon gift card.
Week 4 lucky winners are Qingrui Liu and Basant Ale.
Cody 10th Anniversary winners – grand prize winners
We know how hard it is to be a top-10 leader in the contest leaderboard! It requires a huge time commitment and advanced MATLAB skills. Congratulations! Each of you will win an Amazon gift card.
Christian Schröder, Stefan Abendroth, Mohammed, Victoria, Vasileios Pasialis, Gerardo Domínguez Ramírez, HH, Anton Kogios, Lizhi Zhu, and Marco Fuscà
Lucky voters and participants
Thank you for your participation in our 2022 contests. You don’t need to be on the top of the leaderboards to win. As we announced, we would give out 20 MathWorks T-shirts to lucky voters and participants of the 2 contests.
Ismail Bera Altan, Robin Stolz, Michael Mellin, Kellan Smith, Neha Shaah, Siranjeevi gurumani, Paul Villain, Andrew Horchler, Meg Noah, Saurabh Chaudhary, Pakize erdogmus, Godfrey Ojerheghan, Selena Mastrodonato, Damir Rasic, Thomas Kjeldsen, Meredith, John Noah Ramiterre, Patience Oliveira, Panda, and Sujeet Kumar Choudhary
On behalf of the MATLAB Central community team, we thank you for joining our celebration of the MATLAB Central community 2022 contests. We hope you enjoyed these contests and look forward to seeing you in next year’s contests.
In Week 3, several new milestones have been achieved! Cody 10th contest has reached the 80,000-solution milestone! Mini Hack has over 400 entries. @Tim Davis’ seashell entry actually inspired a MathWorks blog post. Check it out.
During the last week of this contest, we strongly encourage you to inspire your colleagues, classmates, or friends to vote. Let the world know the beauty of Mathematics. Voters will also have the opportunity to win a MATLAB T-shirt.
MATLAB Mini Hack Winners - Week 3
In week 2, we announced the special category for week 3 is nature. Below are the 3 winners for this category.
Winners of other categories are:
Congratulations! Each of you won a T-shirt. I just heard we have 4 designs of MATLAB T-shirts. Can you collect all of them?
Cody 10th Anniversary Winners - Week 3
  • The top 3 players for solving the most problems in week 3 are Christian Schröder, Marco Fuscà, and Stefan Abendroth, Congratulations! Each of you won an Amazon gift card.
  • As long as you participate, you have the opportunity to win MathWorks T-shirts. Week 3 lucky winners are Luffy Wangand Augusto Mazzei.
What’s new in week 4?
MATLAB Mini Hack 2022:
  • Week 4’s new category is holiday! Halloween is around the corner. What holidays are you celebrating?
  • You are able to leverage Signal Processing Toolbox in your entry.
Cody 10th Anniversary:
Want a MATLAB T-shirt? We have 10 more to give out in the 10 days between now and Oct. 30th. You might win a MATLAB T-shirt by doing any of these activities:
  • Vote on entries you like from the Mini Hack contest
  • Solve Cody problems in the Cody 10th contest
  • Create or remix entries in the Mini Hack contest
The more activities you do, the higher your chance to win. Every day, we will pick a winner.
What amazing images can be created with no more than 280 characters of MATLAB code? Check out the GALLERY from the MATLAB Mini Hack 2022 contest.
Vote on your favorite MATLAB images before Oct. 30th! We will give out MathWorks T-shirt to 10 lucky voters.
How can I vote?
You can vote for an entry by clicking on the heart icon on an entry card or the vote button on the entry detail page.
We had another wonderful week of community contests 2022. In week 2, the voting for Mini Hack started! About 1000 votes have been cast on 300+ entries. In Cody 10th Anniversary contest, we already have 85 finishers for the two special groups: Matrices and Arrays and Plotting and Visualization.
Now, it’s time to announce the weekly winners!
MATLAB Mini Hack Winners - Week 2
Amazing entries keep coming in every day. In week 2, we announced a space category to celebrate the milestone of NASA’s Dart mission. We’ve picked 4 winners for this new category.
Winners of other categories are:
Congratulations! Each of you won a MathWorks T-shirt. If this is the second time you won, you have the option to choose a MathWorks hat or a coffee mug!
Cody 10th Anniversary Winners - Week 2
  • The top 3 players for solving most problems in week 2 are Mohammed, Armando Longobardi, and Stefan Abendroth, Congratulations! Each of you won an Amazon gift card.
  • You don’t need to be an expert or spend tons of time to win! As long as you participate, you have the opportunity to win MathWorks T-shirts. Week 2 lucky winners are Dylan Baker and Takumi.
What’s new in week 3?
MATLAB Mini Hack 2022:
  • Week 3’s new category is nature! We look forward to seeing more nature-themed creative entries from you!
  • You are able to leverage up to 2 File Exchange submissions in your code.
Cody 10th Anniversary:
You might have read the news that NASA successfully crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid to alter the asteroid’s course. But did you know the spacecraft’s autonomous guidance system was developed in MATLAB and C++? Check out our latest blog post to learn more details.
Let’s celebrate this scientific milestone by creating astronomy-themed entries in the Mini Hack contest. Be creative and leverage the existing submissions in File Exchange. We will award special prizes to the best entries.
Just in one week, 200 amazing images were created in the Mini Hack contest and 20,000 solutions were submitted in the Cody contest. What an amazing week! Time to announce the winners.
MATLAB Mini Hack Winners - Week 1
Your awesome work made our judging VERY HARD! We came up with several categories for winning entries. Congratulations to the winners! Each of you won a MathWorks T-shirt:
Cody 10th Anniversary Winners - Week 1
  • The top 3 players for solving most problems in week 1 are Mohammed, Stefan Abendroth, and Hans Bourgeois. Congratulations! Each of you won an Amazon gift card.
  • You don’t need to be an expert or spend tons of time to win! As long as you participate, you have the opportunity to win MathWorks T-shirts. Week 1 lucky winners are Meredith Reid and KARUPPASAMYPANDIYAN M.
In Week 2, we’ve added more fun to the contests!
MATLAB Mini Hack 2022:
  • Voting started. Cast your votes on your favorite images. Help us show the world the beauty of mathematics by sharing your work with your friends, classmates, or colleagues.
  • Toolboxes unlocked. You are able to leverage the Image Processing Toolbox to generate even more interesting images. We will award the best entries leveraging the Image Processing Toolbox.
Cody 10th Anniversary:
Two fun community contests: MATLAB Mini Hack 2022 and Cody 10th Anniversary start today on Oct. 3rd!
Participants across all skill levels are welcome to join! Even if you have limited time, you still have opportunities to win as long as you participate.
Want to challenge yourself and win Amazon gift Cards and limited-edition Badges?
1. MATLAB Mini Hack 2022: Create your best entry (either a new or a remixed entry).
2. Cody 10th Anniversary: Solve your 1st Cody problem today!
If you have any questions about the contest rules or prizes, let us know by replying to this thread.
We hope you enjoy the contests, improve your MATLAB skills, and win prizes! Now, let the party begin!
Two fun community contests: MATLAB Mini Hack 2022 and Cody 10th Anniversary will start on Oct 3rd, 2022. Are you ready for the challenges and big prizes?
How to Play
1. MATLAB Mini Hack 2022 contest:
Use up to 280 characters of MATLAB code to generate an interesting image. New in 2022 contest: You'll be allowed to use functions from File Exchange entries and/or certain MathWorks toolboxes in different weeks.
2. Cody 10th Anniversary contest:
Solve at least 1 Cody problem per day during the 4-week contest period. We will reward participants with the longest streak of days of problem-solving!
Tips to Win
1. MATLAB Mini Hack 2022: Spend time creating your best work (either a new or remixed entry).
2. Cody 10th Anniversary: Make sure you start on the 1st day (Oct 3rd). This is the key if you want to win one of the grand prizes (worth marking your calendar?)
3. Act now: No matter if you want to join either the Mini Hack, Cody, or both. Start planning your strategy today.
Good luck! We hope you are the winner.
You are invited to enter 2 fun community contests: MATLAB Mini Hack 2022 and Cody 10th Anniversary. The contests are designed for you to have fun, win prizes, and sharpen MATLAB skills. Participants across all skill levels are welcome to join!
How to Play
1. MATLAB Mini Hack 2022 contest:
Use up to 280 characters of MATLAB code to generate an interesting image. Sounds challenging? You can still participate by simply voting for the images you love.
2. Cody 10th Anniversary contest:
Solve at least 1 Cody problem per day during the 4-week contest period. We will reward participants with the longest streak of days of problem-solving!
You will have opportunities to win compelling prizes, including Amazon gift cards, MathWorks T-shirts, and virtual badges. We will give out both weekly prizes and grand prizes. Check out the rules & prize section on each contest page for details.
Interested in joining? Follow the contests!
Click the ‘Follow the contests’ button to follow/register for the contest. You will get notified when the contests start. After contests start, you will also receive important announcements and prize information.
In MATLAB Answers, oftentimes we see good comments that provide solutions in a question thread. Those comments should really be answers. On the other hand, there are some answers that do not offer solutions. Those answers should actually be comments. The answer/comment issue makes it harder for readers of a question thread to quickly identify useful information. To tackle this issue, the community team just released the MOVE feature!
What can be moved?
Answers and comments can now be moved in 4 ways within the same question thread:
  1. Change an answer to a comment
  2. Change an answer with comments to a group of comments
  3. Change a comment to an answer
  4. Move a comment
Who can move answers and comments?
New privileges have been awarded to contributors with 2000 reputation points or more. Privileged contributors will see move icons added in the list of actions available for answers and comments.
After an answer or comment is moved, an indication of the move will be displayed with the content.
As always, please let us know your thoughts by leaving a reply below.
When discussing Q&As in MATLAB Answers, we oftentimes need to reference a function in MATLAB Documentation. The process is quite tedious. You need to search the function in Documentation and copy & paste it into Answers. Now, you can simply use the ‘@doc:’ in Answers’ editor to easily reference a function in Documentation.
How does it work?
1) Simply type ‘@’ and you will see the option to add a Doc link. You can also directly type ‘@doc:’.
2) Start typing the function name. You will see a list of choices on the menu.
3)Select the function and a hyperlink to that function's doc page will be automatically inserted.
Give it a try and we hope you like it! Leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions.
Chen Lin
Chen Lin
Última actividad el 28 de Abr. de 2022

Today, I'm spotlighting Bruno Luong, our newest MVP. Next, let's 'talk about Bruno'!
When we look at Bruno's stats chart below, we'll notice Bruno achieved this major milestone just in 3 years! This is amazing, right? Actually, we are still underestimating Bruno's contribution to the larger MATLAB/Simulink user community by just looking at his reputation points.
Before he started his active contribution to Answers in 2019, Bruno had been a top contributor to the newsgroup for MATLAB & Simulink products – comp.soft-sys-matlab. Sounds a bit old school? Leave a comment if you have participated or are still participating in the newsgroup. I remember back in 2016 when I first chatted with Bruno, he already had about 500 posts in the newsgroup!
Besides helping users with their questions, Bruno has also been contributing high-quality files to File Exchange. Check out the two prestigious badges below. They are showing the highest recognition from both the MathWorks team and millions of community users.
Congratulations, Bruno. We really appreciate your outstanding and long-time contributions to the MATLAB/Simulink user community!

Several major updates have been introduced to Answers’ reputation system! The updates include a new User Levels system, a new Editor indicator, and updated badges series.

1. User Levels

User Levels have become a best practice for many community sites to adopt. They help build trust in the community and provide recognition to contributors. There are 10 levels in the system and the labels will display next to users’ names throughout MATLAB Answers and on your community profile. We hope to see more users climb the ladder and level up!

2. Editor Indicators

Becoming an Editor (upon earning 3,000 points) is a huge milestone in Answers. Therefore, we introduced the Editor indicator to show our appreciation. From the screenshot below, you will notice a user can have both a User Level and an Editor indicator.

3. Updated Badge Series

Based on our analysis of existing badges, we decided to introduce 2 new badges into existing series and retire an entire badge series.

  • The Knowledgeable badge series and the Thankful badge series now have 5 levels.
  • The Revival badge series has been archived and is no longer being awarded. If you earned one of these badges, it would still show up in your community profile.

You will find more information on Answers help page . If you have any questions, comments or feedback, free feel to leave a comment below.

Satellite Communications Toolbox
Mapping Toolbox
Signal Processing Toolbox
Navigation Toolbox
Other (Explain in comments)
2403 votos

In the past 2 months, we had a lot of fun together playing in the two contests. To make future contests better and more appealing to you, we created a 1-minute survey to understand your experience.

Your feedback is critical to us. Thank you in advance and hope to see you in 2022!

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