Skeleton Length and Aspect Ratio Calculator for Mitochondria

This function is used to generate skeletons of mitochondria, and calculate the length of the said skeletons.
14 Descargas
Actualizado 17 nov 2021

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Before using this function in matlab, you would need to obtian the mito_meta file from vast and python, and the h5 file of all mitochondira. The methods of obtaining which are posted in the Project Website(after the website is made).
This function use the mito_meta and the h5 to generate skeletons of mitochondria, and calculate the length of the said skeletons. This function also generate 3 aspect ratios for each mitochondria.
The final product of this function would be 1 csv files, containing 5 columns: gray value, xy aspect ratio, yz aspect ratio, xz aspect ratio, and skeleton length.
To use this function in matlab, also install findND and skeleton3D as matlab apps.

Citar como

Xueying Wang (2025). Skeleton Length and Aspect Ratio Calculator for Mitochondria (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2021b
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
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Inspirado por: Skeleton3D

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Versión Publicado Notas de la versión

This code is primarily developed by YuTian (Tim) Fan, who interned with me in Fall 2021.
