Variant Manager for Simulink

Manage, configure and analyze variants in your system with Variant Manager for Simulink package.
1,3K Descargas
Actualizado 11 dic 2024
Manage, configure, and analyze variants in your system with Variant Manager for Simulink support package. Capture variation that occurs within algorithms, components, parameters, and interfaces. With Variant Manager, you can:
  • Create or generate predefined variant configurations
  • Identify where there is variation in your system
  • Switch configurations to control multiple variant designs
  • Assemble variant configurations from multiple components into a system-level variant configuration
  • Define constraints to prevent invalid combinations
  • Distribute and reuse configurations across your workflow, such as testing
  • Analyze configurations for simulation and code generation coverage
  • Share a simplified standalone model that contains the selected variants in your design
For more details on capabilities for this support package, please visit:
Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2022b
Compatible con cualquier versión desde R2022b hasta R2025a
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS (Apple Silicon) macOS (Intel) Linux
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