It computes HomDuRAG and check results for 4 types of images (paper “Fully Parallel Homological Region Adjacency Graph Computation Via..."
2 Descargas
Actualizado 31 mar 2023

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Complete implementation of the algorithm that computes the HomDuRAG and a mechanism to check the results for different types of images, according to the paper
“Fully Parallel Homological Region Adjacency Graph Computation Via Frontier Recognition”, by F. Dıaz-del-Rıo(2), P. Sanchez-Cuevas(1), M. J. Moron-Fernandez(1) D. Cascado-Caballero(1), H. Molina-Abril(2), and P. Real(2)
(1) Department of Computer Architecture and Technology. University of Seville. Spain.
(2) Research Institute of Computer Engineering (I3US), Sevilla (Spain).
The main script is “script_dual_RAG_images.m”, which loads one of these sets of images at each time:
1) A synthetic image written in a matrix;
2) Many random synthetic square images having different number of colors and densities;
3) Many synthetic square images containing an object with the longest perimeter;
4) A real image.
Comment/uncomment the code cells 1 to 4, according to the set of images you want to test.
After having loaded and checked an image, this main script launches “dual_RAG_main_stages.m”, which computes and checks the HomDuRAG by executing these stages in order:
1) Script to compute distance jumps for the 0-cells that represent crosses and cycles (“dual_RAG_0cell_determination.m”).
2) Script to extract HomDuRAG expressed as a table T (T_crosses in the code), called “dual_RAG_counting_crit_cells_v1.m”.
After computing HomDuRAG, a mechanism to check the correctness of those results concentrated in the table T has been written in the scripts “fusing_frontier_CCs.m”and “checking_results_nof_regions.m”
For more details please read the aforementioned paper.

Citar como

Fernando Diaz-del-Rio (2025). HomDuRAG (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/127149-homdurag), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

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